Chapter 9. Palo Reunion

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“Can I get you anything to eat? Drink?”

Rossi had been watching the elderly physician holding Hotch for hours. He felt the need to stretch his own legs and maybe find a snack. He imagined this man who’d been with Hotch throughout the night must be in need of something. A break. Refreshment. Something.

“No, thank you. I’m fine.” The doctor shifted position, pulling his patient a little closer. When Rossi stood, he glanced up at him. “You might want to find the empath. She’s back from delivering her…husband?...” Rossi shook his head. “..Ah, well, he will be eventually. Some things carry their own momentum and those two are locked on a path together. Anyway, she’s back now.”

Rossi studied Hotch’s impassive face and wished he could see the scowl that he liked to poke fun at, calling it Hotch’s ‘wolf-eye’ look. Almost on cue, the Unit Chief’s eyebrows twitched. Hope flared in Rossi’s heart, but died just as quickly. The doctor tightened his embrace and made soft shushing sounds.

Shhhhhh. Shhhhhh. Don’t look at them, son. Close your eyes, Aaron. I won’t let them take you. Not yet. When Hotch had quieted, he addressed Rossi’s questioning expression. “I told him to avert his mind’s eye. He shouldn’t see the thing trying to form in there. He keeps struggling, looking for an enemy to fight, because he doesn’t understand the possible consequences.”

“Neither do I. What if he does see…whatever it is. I thought the danger was if this thing gathers itself together.”

“If it solidifies itself, yes…we’ll lose him. It’ll be too late. However, I can feel his terror when he senses it even now, in its formative stages. If he ‘sees’ it too clearly, if he gets too close to it, I’m afraid it’ll stop his heart. Or take his sanity.” The doctor gave Hotch’s shoulders a squeeze. “I’m shielding him as best I can, but the more rested his body gets, the more he’s fighting his way to the surface.”

“And if he wakes up, then the thing will pick up speed and form all the faster?”


Rossi swallowed. “I think I’ll go find Ana…the, uh…empath.” At the door he turned for another look at the tableau of doctor and patient. “Doctor, does this hospital have a chapel?”

“It does. Nondenominational. At the end of the hall, turn right and follow the signs.”

Rossi nodded. He hadn’t prayed in a church or any other form of sacred space for quite a while.

It seemed like a good time to resume the practice.


Reid was glad the car he’d rented was older and even sported a few dents and some dust, as though there hadn’t been time to wash it between customers. He had a feeling he’d be conspicuous enough without driving into the neighborhood surrounding Ruiz’s soup kitchen in some flashy ride.

He was right.

As soon as he stepped out of the car, he was the focal point of curious stares. There wasn’t overt hostility; merely an all-inclusive regard that said ‘you don’t belong here.’ He hoped Ruiz was working. He’d decided against calling the man beforehand in case he declined an invitation to meet. With Hotch’s life at stake, Reid wasn’t about to give him a choice.

As he walked the short distance from his car to the kitchen’s front door, Reid was hyper-aware. Even though he wasn’t on official business and didn’t have the security of a partner by his side, he’d opted to wear his gun where it was clearly visible. He’d worked hard to earn the right to bear arms, but he sometimes debated the merit of doing so. In some situations, a visible weapon could be viewed as a challenge…more an incitement to violence than a deterrent.

Devolution, a Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now