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(Oh holy fückle, Dec's finally updated this book!)

Shivering despite many layers of blankets, Greg shifted closer to Mycroft, peeking at the book the other was reading.

Mycroft glanced at his boyfriend, wrapping an arm around him, bookmarking his page.

Greg watched his movements as he set the book aside and turned off the light, then settled his gaze on the other in the darkness.

Mycroft pulled the other closer, kissing his forehead. "Do you want me to get an extra blanket or...?"

Greg shook his head, resting his head on Mycroft's chest. "I'm fine, gorgeous. Just a bit cold."

"Gregory, it is winter."

Greg chuckled a little, tilting his head to look at him. Mycroft smiled softly, snuggling closer to him.

Greg sighed happily at the warmth, kissing the other's cheeks.

"Love you."

"Love you too, Gregory."

A/n: My room is fücking freezing rn so have some cold cuddles

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