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(Birthday fluff cuz it's my birthday and I'm bored)

Greg waited for Mycroft to wake up, glancing outside to the soft morning day.

"You're up early," Mycroft murmured softly. Greg looked to him, smiling.

"Not really. Just woke up myself." Greg hummed, knowing Mycroft would easily see through that lie.

"Mmm, sure." Mycroft chuckled, sitting up and pecking his lips. "I didn't know that when someone just wakes up, their lips taste like coffee."

Greg blushed lightly, "okay, maybe I woke up early."

Mycroft chuckled lovingly. "What's gotten you up so early?"

Greg smiled, wrapping an arm around Mycroft, "well, it's my gorgeous boyfriend's birthday today, and I'm silently planning the perfect day for him."

Mycroft flushed lightly, "y-you don't have to-"

"I want to, gorgeous." Greg shrugged a little, kising the top of his head.

Mycroft smiled slightly, "you're too kind, Gregory."

"Nah, I'm just a sappy boyfriend." Greg chuckled a little.

"And a bit of that, yes."


Mycroft rested his head on Greg's shoulder, wrapping his arms tightly around the other. Greg smiled softly, using his free hand to lightly stroke the other's cheek.

"What's cooking, good looking?" Mycroft murmured in a playful, joking tone. Greg burst out laughing, shaking his head lovingly.

"I'm making breakfast, baby." Greg responded, smiling.

Mycroft smiled, nuzzling his face into Greg's shoulder. "Smells delicious."

"Thank you, sweetheart." Greg flushed with pride, as he always did when Mycroft complimented his cooking.


-time skip to evening bc I'm lazy-

Greg sat next to Mycroft, wrapping an arm around Mycroft and kissing his cheek. "Happy birthday, baby."

Mycroft smiled, turning his head to look at Greg. "Thank you, Gregory."

Greg smiled, pecking his lips. "I would've made you dinner but ran out of time with work and then cake."

"Shush, ordering takeout and just being with you is perfect."

Greg smiled, kissing him again. "I'm glad you're happy with today, darling."

Mycroft hummed, cuddling into Greg more, causing a soft, loving smile to spread across the other's man face.

They sat on the couch for a while, enjoying each other's company before the doorbell rang, signalling the takeout they ordered was here.

-time skip to after dinner bc I'm still a lazy-

After dinner, Mycroft waited for Greg to come out with the cake, wrapping a blanket around himself.

Soon Greg emerged, no candles placed in the cake. Mycroft tilted his head to the side at Greg's slightly nervous expression as the cake was placed down.

Mycroft gasped softly at the writing on said cake, his wide eyes darting to Greg again.

"Will you marry me?"

Greg nervously smiled back, about to say something when Mycroft pulled him down into a tight hug, surprising him.

"Yes," Mycroft whispered out, "a thousand times yes!"

Greg hugged him back tightly, lightly stroking the other's hair.

"I don't have a ring-yet." Greg mumbled softly.

"That's fine, love. This...this has to be the best day of my life."

Greg pulled back with a smile, cupping his cheek and lazily stroking it with his thumb.

"You'll be saying that on our wedding day too."

"I'll be saying it every day that's spent with you."

A/n: Wow this went longer than I thought it'd be.
Birthday proposals are my weakness.

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