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Mycroft groaned softly, hitting the 'snooze' on his alarm. He prayed the stupid alarm didn't disturb Greg, shifting closer to him.

"Five more minutes," grumbled the half asleep inspector, burying his face in Mycroft's chest.

He let out a hum of agreement, shutting his eyes for the five more minutes.

The alarm went off again, and this time Mycroft dismissed it.

He rolled over, embracing Greg more and drifting back to sleep.

"Don'tcha have work?" Greg mumbled, not opening his eyes.

"They can survive a day without me," Mycroft mumbled back, lightly stroking Greg's cheek. "You're more important than work anyway, love."

Greg smiled shyly at that, hiding his face in a pillow.

Mycroft chuckled lovingly, shutting his eyes to sleep again.

Greg peeked out from the pillow and smiled, drifting back to sleep as well.

A quiet, lazy morning led to a quiet, lazy day, both earning some much needed rest (and cuddles).

~Mystrade Oneshot Book~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя