Chapter 14

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John says some homophobic things in this chapter and I apologise if it offends anyone.

John Winchester is a stern looking man. He walks with his shoulders hunched, like he's carrying the world. He constantly has a frown, and doesn't seem to crack a smile - ever. His messy hair and messy beard have a tinge of grey, showing his old age. His eyes droop slightly and he seems to wobble as he stumbles to the house from his truck.

"Sam!" He slurs when he greets his youngest son.

"Hey, dad", Sam replies awkwardly. They welcome John inside and begin to eat. Sam had prepared lasagne for the dinner, and yet the first thing John said was about beer. Sam grabbed a bottle of whiskey from the fridge and handed it to his father with a glass. John took a mouthful from the bottle before filling his glass. Castiel sat quietly at the table as he observed and analysed him.

During the dinner, John began to speak to Castiel. "So, you're Sam's roommate?" Castiel nodded his head to confirm. "That's good. Sam needs someone to care for him. Y'know, when he was a baby, he would always be asking for someone to pick him up. He didn't like to be put down!" He turned to Sam. "You were a fussy baby, weren't you?" He laughed.

Sam bowed his head and ate. "Anyway!" John exclaimed. "What do you study?"

"Psychology", Castiel stated.

"Ah, so you want to be a shrink?"

Castiel was offended and baffled. "Um, no. I just want to get a better understanding of others".

John nodded his head, but didn't seem pleased. "Do you not have many friends?"

"Um... no, not really", he admitted. "Sam is my best friend".

"And what about family?" John asked.

Castiel looked down at his food and began to play with it. "It's complicated", he said in a low voice.

John frowned. "Complicated?!" He exclaimed. "No! Performing heart surgery is complicated! Family is not complicated! How can family be complicated?! You have parents who raised you, you have your siblings who annoy the shit out of you - but you love them - and you have your other relatives who you only see maybe three times a year. It's not complicated!"

"My family isn't like that", Castiel explained.

John shook his head. "No, you're just making it complicated".

"Dad", Sam warned. "I don't think Cas wants to talk about his family".

John rolled his eyes before downing the rest of the alcohol that was in his glass. Refilling the glass, he began to speak again. "So, do you two have girlfriends?" Castiel froze. Dean had warned him about this - John is homophobic, so don't mention your sexuality, he reminded himself. Luckily, Sam answered before John could see Castiel's reaction.

"Actually, yeah, I do", Sam said. "Her name is Jess. She's amazing. She studying medicine at school, she wants to become a doctor. And she's super smart, so I'm positive she will. But she's also really sweet, and kind. We've been together for a year now. And she makes me really happy. I think I love her". Sam was smiling and his cheeks were bright red. It was adorable.

"I'm glad she makes you happy", John stated before turning to Castiel. "What about you? Got a lucky girl?"

It's ok, he told himself, pretend you have a girlfriend. "Yeah. She's amazing. She doesn't go to this college though, so I don't see her much. But during my recovery, she was here the entire time. She's an amazing cook and she is super funny. She can be slightly annoying, and argumentative, and overprotective, but she's amazing. We haven't been together long, but she makes me happy".

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