Chapter 19

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Friday finally arrived and Castiel was leaving his house to meet Dean at the bar in town. He decided to order an uber to drive him there instead of taking his car because he knew he'd be getting drunk and he didn't want to be getting arrested for drunk driving. He may be excited/nervous, but he isn't reckless.

When he entered the bar, he realised how packed it was. Loads of people were out for drinks. Carefully, he began to make his way through the thick crowd to find Dean. However, while he was squeezing past people, he had accidentally touched someone's rear - again.

Memories from the first time Dean had invited him out for drinks flooded his mind. This huge guy turned around and glared at him. Castiel was quick to apologise, but the guy was having none of it. "DUDE! I AIN'T NO FAG! I DON'T WANT YA TO BUM ME! GO SUCK DICK FROM SOMEONE ELSE!" The guy yelled.

"No", Castiel started. "I didn't mean to touch you".


Castiel frowned. "No, that's not what I mean!" He blinked to focus on everything. "I am getting mixed signals right now. I'm not sure if you're offended or you find me attractive". Anger flashed across the man's face and Castiel instantly knew the answer.

"DO I NEED TO MAKE MYSELF CLEAR, FAG?!" The man was holding Castiel by the collar of his shirt.

"HEY!" A deep voice called out next to them. They turned to see Dean standing tall and glaring at the sexually-confused homophobic. "Let him go! He's with me!" Dean deepened his glare until Castiel was released. Slowly, Castiel straightened his shirt and followed Dean to the bar. Once they sat down and ordered a couple shots, Dean joked, "Do you go searching for trouble, or does trouble go searching for you?"

Castiel smiled. "It seems trouble follows me after I speak with you".

"So you're saying trouble follows me?!" Dean asked with a playful smirk.

"I don't know", Castiel played along. "You got most of your scars from bar fights".

Dean laughed. "Yep. And I've got plenty more since we last spoke".

They drank in silence for a while until they were drunk enough to forget about the awkward tension between them. They were laughing and joking until they heard a British voice call out. "CASSIE!" They turn around to see a slender guy wearing a black V-neck shirt walking towards them. He was obviously drunk.

He threw his arm around Castiel's shoulders, which sparked the jealousy in Dean's heart. "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE OUT DRINKING! YOU DON'T SEEM LIKE THE TYPE!" Castiel smiled and looked up at his friend.

"Yeah, Balth. I'm having a few drinks with an old friend!"

Balthazar looked Dean up and down with a playful smirk on his lips. "This sexy beast is just a friend? So I have a chance?" He asked without looking away from Dean.

"I'm not interested", Dean stated.

Balthazar raised an eyebrow. "Really? So you're straight?"


Balthazar chuckled slightly. "Me too, sexy", he flirted. "If you're interested in Cassie, give up now. He's still pinning for his ex who left him. I've told him many times to move on, but he's still in love with the guy! Can you believe that?!"

Castiel blushed in embarrassment and Dean quirked an eyebrow in delight. "Okay, Balth. I think you've had enough". Balthazar frowned at his friend. "Go home and sleep. I'll check up on you tomorrow".

Balthazar smiled at Dean. "Isn't he sweet?! He's such a mum! He's always taking care of everyone, but never takes care of himself. He needs to find someone who would care for him when he doesn't care about himself". Balthazar leaned closer to Dean. "Did you know, when his ex left him, he didn't eat or sleep for days until I forced him. He was a mess!"

"OKAY!" Castiel exclaimed, standing up. "Balth, you need to go home. Come on, I'll get you a ride".

They began to leave when Balthazar turned to Dean and said, "Give him a good night please". Castiel shook his head before dragging Balthazar out the bar.

A couple minutes, Castiel returned breathless. He sat down and took a shot. "Sorry about that", he apologised. "Balthazar doesn't have any filter when he's drunk so he says whatever comes to mind. You wouldn't imagine how many fights I've pulled him out of when he drinks". Dean was smirking at Castiel as he spoke. "What?" Castiel asked. 

"So... you're still pinning for me?"

Castiel froze. Cautiously, he spoke. "Yeah... I never got over you. You're amazing, Dean. You were the best thing that had ever happened to me, and when you left, I was lost. I didn't know what to do. It took me a while to get myself together, but I finally got my life back on track and now I have a great life".

"But no love life?"

"No", Castiel replied as he cradled his glass of whiskey. "No one ever seemed interested in a nobody who always tried to figure them out. So I never tried to find anyone". He paused to take a mouthful of his alcohol. "It's not like I deserve to be loved, anyway", he muttered to himself.

"Okay!" Dean exclaimed. "Enough depressing shit. Time to have a good night!" They tapped their shot glasses together before downing the drink.

And the night was good.


Dean and Castiel were leaving the bar early hours in the morning when they decided to crash at Castiel's since Dean didn't have anywhere to stay. The car ride was filled with laughter as Dean told stories of his adventures on the road. When they arrived at Castiel's place, they stumbled through the door and began to head to bed.

When they reached one of the guest rooms, Dean turned and smiled at Castiel. "Okay, I'll let you sleep. Good night". Castiel was about to leave when Dean grabbed his wrist and pulled him close to him. Castiel gasped in shock, but it was cut off by Dean's lips on his. Naturally, he melted into the kiss.

It wasn't until Dean tried to remove his belt when he snapped out of it. He pushed Dean away and tried to catch his breath. "I'm sorry", he apologised, running his hand through his hair. "I can't... I can't do this. It's not right. You shouldn't be kissing me! I hurt you, Dean! I broke your trust! I took advantage of it! You should be yelling at me! Screaming at me! Tell me you hate me!"

Dean's face softened as he walked closer to Castiel and ran his hand up his arms. "I can never hate you. I love you, I haven't stopped loving you".

Castiel shook his head. "No. I don't deserve to be loved! Especially by someone like you!"

Dean forced Castiel to look at him. "Cas, you deserve the world. But I can't give you that, so I hope my love with be enough". 

"I never asked for anything more". Dean pulled him into a hug. They stood on silence for a while until Dean began to kiss Castiel's neck. Castiel tried to resist, but Dean was so soft and it send tingling sensations everywhere.

Eventually, he was able to pull away. "I - I don't want it to start like this", he began to explain. Dean frowned, but waited for him to continue. "Our last relationship started like this, and I hated how it ended. I want us to wait before we do anything". Castiel hesitated before looking up at Dean. "Are you okay with that?"

Dean gave him a small smile. "Of course".

Castiel sighed with relief. "I think we should go slow. I don't want us to rush anything. And I promise, no secrets. I don't want to hide anything from you. Trust is everything, and I hope you can trust me enough to speak to me about anything like before. I want to be able to speak freely with you too".

Dean nodded. "Anything you want. If you want to go slow, we'll go slow. I can wait - I will wait because I want to be with you. And I will do anything to get you back".

Castiel smiled, reached up and kissed him deeply.

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