Chapter 12

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When Dean arrived back home, Castiel was standing in the hallway with his arms crossed over his chest. Dean gave Castiel a nervous smile. "Heyyy, Cas", he said. "Um... you should be resting. What are you doing out of bed?" He asked, hoping to distract Castiel. Slowly, he walked closer to him.

"What are you doing out the house?" Castiel asked with an arched eyebrow.

God, Dean thought, he looks hot.

"I had something to take care of", he explained. Carefully, he placed his hands on Castiel's shoulders. "You really shouldn't be out of bed. Come on, I'll help you". Gently, Dean pushed Castiel towards his room, and helped him into bed.

"Dean?" Castiel said in a soft tone. Dean looked into his blue eyes and hummed. "Where were you? Why did you leave the house at this time of night?" He asked, causing Dean to pause. Castiel tilted his head slightly, something he does whenever he's trying to figure something - or someone - out. Dean couldn't bring himself to look at Castiel.

Sighing, Dean replied, "I'll tell you in the morning. Now get some rest". Quietly, he left Castiel's room and sat on the couch to have a few drinks before bed. He sat in silence while he thought about how he was going to explain everything tomorrow to Castiel. He had promised not to hurt the guy, and he didn't, but he also said he would let the police do their jobs.

After a couple drinks and overthinking everything, Dean finally fell asleep.


Castiel woke up and looked at the time showing on his clock. 7am. Groaning, he pulled himself out of bed. He gradually made it to his door while holding his stomach in pain. His stitches were painful and hurt whenever he moved, but he needed to get out of bed. He was leaning against his door frame when Dean came from the kitchen.

"Cas?" Dean asked with worry. "What are you doing out of bed?!"

Dean rushed to Castiel to ensure that he was okay. "I want to watch Netflix", Castiel said. He heard Dean sigh and felt a strong arm wrap around him. Although it may seem embarrassing, Castiel leaned into Dean's touch and allowed himself to be guided to the living room. Slowly, Dean lowered him on the couch before giving him the remote.

"Sit there", Dean instructed. "I'll cook you something for breakfast".

While Castiel was searching Netflix, there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Castiel called, but struggled to stand.

"No!" Dean said from the kitchen. "You stay there", he demanded as he walked to the front door. Ignoring him, Castiel forced himself up and slowly walked to the front door. Once he was close enough to hear the conversation, he leaned against the wall for support. "Look", he heard Dean say. "It was no problem. I'm glad I could help. I hated not being able to do anything".

"Yes", an unfamiliar deep voice replied. "I understand, but everyone at the precinct wants to thank you for your help. We don't think we would have caught him as quick as you did. It's outstanding. You were able to find him quicker than we could find a lead". There was a slight pause. "I know this may be overstepping my boundaries, but we were hoping we could come to you if there is ever someone we need to find...?"

Dean nodded. "Of course. I would love to help. It would actually give me something to do. If you ever need me, you know where I am".

"Okay", the visitor said. "I'll get out of your hair. Mr Novak is lucky to have you, Dean. Take care".

"Will do, officer", Dean said before closing the door. When Dean turned around, he was met with an angry Castiel. Awkwardly, Dean smiled at him. "Heyy, Cas. What did I tell you about getting up?" Dean began to walk towards Castiel, but Castiel stepped back. Dean stopped and frowned at him.

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