The Coronation, Part 1

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Megan's POV:

I am waiting outside for Alex, with the a box in my hand, containing the anti-love potion. To say I am nervous would be a huge understatement. So much is going to happen today: I'm going to betray Alex, I'm going to break Alex's love spell, We are going to steal the wand, The villains are going to win, Auradon is going to fall, Myself, Mal and mom are going to rule everyone, Mom is going to get her revenge on Phillip and Aurora, meaning Alex and Audrey too. So much is going to change, and it's up to myself, Mal, Carlos, Jay and Evie to ensure it happens. In a few hours our futures will change forever. In a few hours I will have lost the person who means the world to me. In a few hours all will know our true allegiance. In a few hours nothing will be the same.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I see Alex walking towards me, he is wearing a posh back suit with a white shirt, we stare at each other for a moment. "Don't you look dashing." I comment with a chuckle.

"And you look beautiful." He comments, I blush.

"Oh I got you something." I say holding up the box, he looks at me with a look of confusion. "It's for later. As a thank you for yesterday, and also something to keep your carbs up."

"Always thinking." He says opening the box and looking at the cupcake. "But it looks so good." He comments and puts the small cupcake in his mouth.

"No!" I shout. He continues to eat. "Ummm... D-do you feel o-okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" He asks, watching for my reaction.

"Well, would you say... you still have feelings for me?" I reply, unsure how to play the situation.

"I'm not sure. Let's give the anti-love potion a moment to take effect." He replies.

"Okay." I nod, wait! "What?" He chuckles, "You knew?"

"That you spelled me? Yeah I knew." He replies with a laugh.

"Look I can explain..." I begin.

"No, I get it. You liked me but you didn't think I would go out with you because of our parent's history. Am I right?" Alex asks.

"Your so right." I say with a chuckle, "So, how long have you known?"

"Our first day, your spell washed away in the enchanted lake."

"So," I look to the floor, "You've been faking since then?"

He puts his finger to my chin and lifts my head, "I haven't been faking anything." He says, in a sincere voice. I nod to him. He holds out his arm, "Shall we?" I nod and take his arm and together we walk to the coronation.

I was standing in the audience, next to Mal, nervous. I look to Mal, and she looks to me. We then both look up to our friends in the balcony, we all look to each other with solemn faces. I can tell that all of us are debating whether to go through with it or not, but we all know that we have to.

The doors then open and Ben walks down the aisle towards Fairy Godmother, everyone bowing as he walks past. He smiles to Mal as they lock eye contact, she struggles to return the smile.

Ben kneels before Fairy Godmother, Belle and Adam. Fairy Godmother greets the King and Queen. She removes the crown from Adam's head and lowers it onto the head of Ben. Adam then raised the Glass Jar and Belle gives Fairy Godmother the wand. She stands in front of Ben.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of Auradon with Mercy and Justice, as long as you may reign?" Fairy Godmother asks him.

"I do solemnly swear." Ben replies.

"Then it is my honour and my joy." Fairy Godmother says, taping both of Ben's shoulders with the wand. "To bless our new King."

But before she can say anything else, the wand is ripped from her hand. Everyone looks towards the culprit.

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