The Family Day

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Megan's POV:

Myself and the other descendants are walking into the courtyard and look over the balcony to see the school choir singing a version of 'Be Our Guest'. Together we walk towards the snack table as the song is finishing, I take a strawberry while Carlos, who has given Dude to Evie, and Jay go for the chocolate fountain. I see Mal get called over by Ben and I watch the interaction, Mal returns to us.

"Ben's parents have invited us to play croquet. Will you guys come?" We all agree and together we walk to the clearing where the game is taking place. I wait on the edge, watching everyone play, when Alex comes up to me. He covers my eyes from behind.

"Guess who?" he teases.

"Ben?" I reply, with a smirk. He then uncovers my eyes and comes in front of me.

"Ha, ha." He replies sarcastically. He pulls me into a hug, and I return the hug. When we pull away he begins to talk. "Meg, how would you feel about meeting my parents?"

I choke on air, and look up to him. "What?" he looks to me, with a confused look. "Aren't you forgetting who your parents are? And what my mom did to them? They would hate me! And then they would be mad at you!"

"I don't care. I just want them to meet you." He takes my hand in his, and uses his other hand to pull my chin up to face him. "If they don't approve then they are the ones that need to change. No one should judge them on what their parents did. Please, will you meet them?"

"Fine." I say with a huff, worried about what's coming. He takes my hand we walk away from the croquet area and away from my friends and towards the courtyard and there stands .

"Alexander!" The woman says, pulling Alex into a hug. She releases him and his father hugs Alex also. Alex then turns to me and grabs my hand.

"Mom, Dad. I would like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Megan." They looked to me and the man extended his hand to me.

"Hello Megan, My name's Phillip." I nod and shake his hand, the woman then puts her hand out also. "And this is my wife Aurora."

"Nice to meet you. Sir, Madame." I reply, thankful that they haven't asked who my parents are.

"You look familiar, have we met?" Phillip asks.

"I don't think so. I'm new, sort of like a transfer student." I reply.

"Who are your parents?" Aurora asks, I feel Alex squeeze my hand in reassurance, and also his way of saying that I shouldn't be afraid to tell them.

"Umm.." I see them judging my every move. "I've never known who my father is." I reply, in a small voice looking to the floor.

"Oh dear. I'm sorry. What about your mother?" Aurora says. Alex squeezes my hand again.

"M-my mother. My mother is Maleficent." I reply, I look up to see Phillip and Aurora frozen in fear. I look to Alex, and he then turns to his parents.

"Are you guys okay?" He asks his parents

"Do you think we are okay?" Philip responds harshly. "How dare you think that this is acceptable! Do you have no shame."

"Dad, You-"

"No, you are not to see this evil witch ever again! And that's final!" He replies. I'm hurt by his words. I guess I am just an evil witch. I don't know why but the comment didn't hurt as much as the thought that Alex would have to leave me. But I can't be selfish. I don't want him to lose his family over me. I can't do that to him. Oh gosh, I'm turning soft.

"Dad, I-" Alex begins, but I cut him off.

"Alex!" I say strongly, Alex and his parents look to me. "Don't. Just don't" I say, looking into his eyes.

A Descendants StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora