Start from the beginning

"Yeah, shame that Juliet cheated," Priya said. "They were so good together. A real power couple, those two."

Juliet reached her floor, and shouldered past the girls, her head down the entire time. They didn't notice her. Her eyes were watering a bit.

She made a turn into her corridor and headed to her door. And then Nyssa's door opened.

And Niah and Alex came out, Nyssa holding the door open as she told them something under her breath.

Juliet froze.

Alex caught sight of her first, and he seemed to stiffen. Then Niah saw Juliet, and the tramp smirked.

Nyssa noticed Juliet and winced. "Jules. Hey. Where did you go?"

Juliet pulled her hood down carefully and answered, her voice strong and unwavering, "I went out for a run." Alex looked at her face, his eyes roaming over her face. She held still.

"Really? For two hours?"

"Yes." She glanced at Alex and Niah, about to bid them good bye and go inside, when she noticed Niah's hand. Her ring finger, specifically. There was a diamond ring on it. A big one.

So it was true, then. Seeing it hurt more than hearing about it.

Juliet looked up to meet Niah's smug gaze and Alex's hard stare. He looked... a little guilty? Angry? Juliet couldn't pinpoint it.

She said quietly, "congratulations on your engagement."

"Thank you, Juliet!" Niah exclaimed. She hugged Alex's arm closely.

Juliet almost broke Niah's face.

"Really, for an ex-girlfriend, you look quite happy for us. I'm glad," Niah flashed a grin.

Juliet said smoothly, controlling herself, "Yes, well. You two look like the perfect couple." Niah looked a little surprised but pleased. Alex looked like he was bracing himself. She almost smiled. "It's obvious that you're the better girl for him than I am."

"Really?" Niah asked, excitement in her eyes.

Alex remained silent, looking at Juliet the entire time. Like he was trying to figure her out. Waiting to see where she would snap.

He knew her too well.

Juliet loosed a laugh. "No, I was joking. You two make a terrible couple. You, Niah, will have a cold husband who will prioritise his work over you. And you, Alex, will have a wife who will flirt with other men and mean it, who lies and sabotages relationships to get her way. Good luck with your marriage." She opened her door and went in, shutting it behind her hardly.

Alex's face had been priceless. And Niah looked absolutely furious. Nyssa had burst into laughter.

Through the door, Juliet heard Nyssa say, "Well, she isn't wrong..."

"Shut up, Nyssa! This isn't the time for you to be an annoying bitch," Niah suddenly snapped, angry.

And then Alex finally spoke to Niah, his tone cold and hard. "Don't talk to my sister that way."

Juliet could almost feel Niah blushing. "Right. Erm. Okay." She wouldn't even apologise? Juliet shook her head.

And then Typhon was around her legs, barking. He had grown a bit. Juliet laughed low and lifted Typhon up. She hugged him as he buried his snout in her shoulder.

A knock.

Juliet stilled. She turned and opened the door to see Alex there. Nyssa stared at them. Niah looked shocked.

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