"Um, ghost lady are you there or has the craziness of this world finally got to me. Or did that guy I beat had an illusion creating ability?"

"Please don't go! Trust me; I'm real. Can you hear me?"

"Okay, I can hear you now," he said, turning to me, "I just need to focus."

"Hey, that's fine, you're the first one to see me in god knows how long. I am glad."

I hear the sounds of police sirens coming from across the horizon. Wildfire's face saddened.
"I'm sorry, um, mystery girl, but I don't have the best relationship with the police. Is there someone where we can continue this conservation? Plus, I have some experts that can help with your situation. "

"No, That's fine how about we meet at Concourse Lake at noon tomorrow?"

"Sure, I can miss more work."

He quickly tied the unconscious helix and ran off into the distance. As I saw the police wrap him up, I lost composure and started to cry. For so long, I was used to being ignored, but the fact that someone finally acknowledged my existence was almost too much to bear. I screamed as the authorities put another dangerous helix put away. In preparation for my meeting, I soon realized how embarrassing I must've looked. I've been in nothing, but my pajamas for god knows how long, and I haven't been able to see myself in mirrors or cut my hair or even clip my nails. I must look like some creepy, hairy hobo. Still, the only thing I could do was tying my hair in a ponytail and hope for the best. By the end of the day, I waited in anticipation and slept on the ground. In the beginning, I tried having some sense of normalcy in attempting to sleep. I'm thankfully lucky that I don't phase through the field.

The ground is pretty much the only thing I can feel. It's been so long since I've tasted strawberry shortcake, the wind in my hair as I lower down the car window, the absolute euphoria of talking with another being that we take for granted it each day. If it were up to me, I'd give an arm and leg to feel all of that once again. When morning finally came, I silently watch joggers, families, and couples as they all whiz by. I even gazed upon the cutest baby ever. I often wonder what some of these people do in their daily lives, what lives they lead. Were they helixes like me? Could they have powers that could kill or hurt everyone around them, even themselves? To quickly pass the time, I decided to engage in my daily conversations with myself. I once reported on how, in solitary confinement, victims would sometimes go crazy due to sensory deprivation and lack of social activity. I decided to rehearse my favorite quote in Hamlet as dramatic as possible.

Suddenly I hear slow clapping as I saw someone who was crazy handsome approach. The man was a muscular young man who was African American like me in shorts and a shirt. He had black hair and eyes. I assume he was looking at someone else until he introduces himself. My question answered when his hand for a second lighted up in the same aura as Wildfire.

"Not going to lie that was good, my name is Derek Lewis, but then again, we've already met haven't we?"

I swear if I could blush, I would have. Instead, I stood in disbelief you have to understand the first few weeks of Genesis were absolute chaos helixes were fighting and losing control all over the place. It was a very dark time. Orders only seemed to be partially restored when the Purifiers were out into fruition. But their methods were extreme. As much as I feared my power and the power of others, I didn't want to be persecuted for being alive. But this man decided to risk his life every day to try and keep the peace. To me, he was a light in the darkness.

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