In The Trees

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Written in collaboration with JanaJoubert

Darkness overshadowed
that silver lining in my life
with pearl crystals hanging
from the branches of the tree
resembling the last leaf.
Who'll water my teardrops
when the storm takes you away
a thought so dreadful, and scary
the soul shook and swayed.

Who will help me grow?
Who will give the nurturing
I so desperately want?
As the icicles of dismay
hang on my branches,
I am screaming inside.

The once pure air, now as toxic
as the human relationships
blows without a purpose
Uprooting our faith and stance
with every second chance
provided to us, by us.

The gasoline and skyscrapers,
Have crossed the drawn line,
Between what man should and shouldn't do,
And oh!

ow Mother Nature longs to strike back.
I can feel it in my bark.
I can feel it in my soul,
In the way the ground shakes beneath my feet.

With leaves that shudder
and clouds that thunder,
the longing for serenity
increases a thousand fold.
The lush green carpet
providing warmth to my feet
as I stand amidst the woods
wondering, if all this
is worth a lifetime.

The harsh reality hits me.
Pushing back against my hard surface.
And eventually I fall.
Oh! The treachery.
Oh! The pain.


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