Spirit of Poets Pub

10 4 12

Written in collaboration with MysteriousDryad

Welcoming poets

with open arms

to join a group

filled with poetry,

fun,  drinks and warmth.

A place that feels like home

with family like friends around,

Drinks and merry at every corner

poetic talent abound.

No judgment is passed

on your poetry

Love and support

is what you'll get


Kindness spreads like a disease

encouraging blooming poets,

have you seen the celebrations

or are you to experience that yet.

Poets getting better and better

as time passes by.

Contests held

help challenge poets

to write a certain way

they never have before.

Bonds formed over lines

that echo sentiments alike,

Courage takes over pride

leaving nothing to dislike.

Welcoming poets

with open arms,

to join a group

filled with poetry,

fun, and drinks and warmth.


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