The Dilemma

19 9 5

Written in collaboration with UnwarrantedAsphyxia

She stood on the edge with wind in her hair,

with a name on her lips and hope running through her veins

waiting for a call, a cry of life that would 

secure her world and hold her tight

she stood there alone, staring at her future bright.

Longing to hear a voice that she had awaited for, 

far a bit too long; 

she blushed as a familiar face flashed in her mind.

She waited and waited and stood there too long

she stood and stared and thought for a minute too long

wondering if it will ever be within her reach.

She had hope but no assurance, and her life was all set to go

she waited but what was coming she didn't know.

Touch and go; its seems that was her life from now.

But she was determined.  

Knew how to hold her ground.

And so

With a deep breath in and a hollow sigh, she continued to wait.

But how long was she to wait?

For the sun had already set

Should she go back,

Or go forward,

Waiting causing more harm

Than letting go?

Jump? Or walk back,

Was waiting the only option left to her?

Away from the life she hoped to start with him,

She took a breath in and steeled her mind,  

the road she had to walk on now won't be an easy ride.

Yet the smooth cliff,

sounded better than the thorny road.

She couldn't decide!

While her mind was ready to let go, 

her heart had not given up.

One foot forward and the other one staggering back, 

she decided to overrule her soul.

She took a step forward

but mentally three steps backward.

That moment she realised,

that a step forward

would give new lease to her life.

Yet her heart and mind both knew she was fooling herself.

But there was still a bit of uncertainty. 

Whether he would be happy to see her, 

spread out his arms and welcome her?

Or treat her as a stranger whom he had never laid his eyes upon. 

"Was it worth the risk? "

It was a question to which she had no answer...


Together, With Love.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt