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Written in collaboration with most_bay

My head against your chest
I listen to our heartbeat sync
weighing the option of leaving
yet bound by this unseen link
it's time to let go of memories
before they disappear in a blink
my love for you lasted longer
than you could ever think

If you could listen closer
you'd hear your name resonate
through each fiber of my heart
my soul yearning for it's mate
afraid to lose the memories
afraid of the hands of fate
do you still feel it, love?
or is it now too late?

It's never too late my love
my heart in a bit of constrain
if only I could rewind the past
and beg you to start again
if only I could erase the memory
of leaving you stranded in rain
you see, I'm scared of losing you
and seeing you in constant pain.

Pain was when we drifted apart
losing you was my worst regret
love never ceased for us to restart
a fool I've been afraid to admit
I wish I could assure your heart
that our love can never quit
for you are my only sunrise
I can't afford another sunset.

Every moment spent with you
like a silver lining in the sky
you are my precious sunshine
that never lets love run dry
I don't want to lose you again
and see my love for you die
so honey, would you mind
to give our story another try?

A smile glowed on his broken face
And he answered with a loving embrace.


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