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Written in collaboration with poetadventurer

My eyes flutter open
only to be rewarded
with darkness so bright
and silence so loud
completely shutting down
everything but these thoughts.

Like an army these thoughts came,
No mercy, no pardon.
With swords sharp and steps heavy,
They plundered and they burned.
Leaving ruin and ash in their wake,
They came and they stayed.

As mighty as the swords
they pierced through my conscience
Drawing reason out of my mind
and leaving the wounds to bleed
Those same uncovered wounds
that took forever to heal.

Though my mind now houses
The dark and terrible army,
I am still here.
My heart reminds my mind
Of who I am and how to fight
This invasion.

The silence screams loudly
to gain attention it seems
The call of help to those thoughts
who's invasion was deemed
to fulfil the purpose of the army
that deflected through the mind.

Somewhere the call is heeded.
I feel my blood begin to boil
And my bones start to
Feel the rhythm of drums,
A heart beat pounding in my ears 
Crying: To War!

That battle of thoughts
And the inner turmoil
Begin to take a toll on me
Blood boiling, heart pounding
Dizziness takes control on me
But defeat is something I wasn't taught
So fight is what I do

Taking blow after blow,
I stand bloody and bruised.
But I stand.
And one day, the fight will be done.
I will be victor
and I will wear these scars as
Proudly as I wear my crown.


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