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Y/n smiled as she repeated the video she had just recently recorded while having a dinner date with all the 7 boys just now.

Im learning how to love myself

She had finally decided on a caption and posted the video to her social media account.It hasn't even been 3 minutes when notification started pilling and breaking her notification bar with its its shrill noise that made her ears bled.

the guy who looks half dead on the couch is a mood

y/n laughed at the comments directed at yoongi's laziness through out the whole video.

guy singing with a book tho

who's that gorgeous purpled haired dude

you're so lucky

is this what it feels like to enter heaven

Y/n was happy at the sudden crazy amount of followers she got and the  positive feedback from posting the video of seven particular angels singins and just having fun when she saw a message being sent to in her private direct message icon.

The Bighit auditions
greetings from seoul's artist company, we have seen the videos of talented people singing and we would like to invite you to our audition contest so we could personally recruit the angels.

Y/n stiffled a gasp and a few tears had escaped from her eyes in a happy manner.She rubbed her large belly and stared at the date on her calendar.

Y/n was now 8 months and close to her due and now seeing a famous company asking to recruit the boys to be artist just made her so happy.

notification from The Bighit auditions
the auditions will start in around 10 am in the province of bighit building. profibally show this message to a guard,since they will be recruited immediatly and taken to a room for them to practice with their dreams. Thank you for showing their potential to us and it would be delightful to see them tomorow.

Y/n replied a quick 'thank you,we'll all be there tomorow' and stiffled a sgort scream to her pillow.

She smiled again at the suprise message she was gonna give to seokjin and everyone about the marvelous news.

"they're gonna love this"

The next morning she woke up,she immediatly washed herself and got herself ready with a dark blue cardigan and her phone in hand.

"you've showed me i h-" y/n stopped singing suddenly when something painful errupted in her stomach.

The woman grunted at the soaring pain in her abdomen and saw some liquid leaking out from her back.

Seeing the clear substance mixed with a little red gave her a heart attack but she managed to call her neighbour before passing out from the pain.

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