Chapter 1: The First Time They Met

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"Kinda looks like a wand, doesn't it?" Silas said leaning against the wall. Once again, Jocelyn shot a glare to Silas and the taller only grinned. If Silas had to stay for the show, he should at least be able to make fucking comments all he wanted.

"Sorta. They're a family heirloom." Clary laughed a bit at this revelation. This was kind of far fetched for her. She took a step closer to her brother, weirded out by this.

"Us, Fray's have family heirlooms?" She asked, clearly amused.

Her mother only responded with, "A few."

"Wait, why doesn't Silas have one?" Clary asked. Her brother must have gotten one. She did not want to be the only one to have a weird magic wand. Silas widened his eyes and his mouth hung open.

Jocelyn was lost at words. She didn't know how to explain this one. Silas, who was amazing at bullshitting spoke up.

"Actually, the Stele was originally going to be mine but I told her to give it to you in exchange for a tattoo." Silas lied. The markings on his neck and chest weren't tattoos. They were black swirls with red flames that started from the side of his neck and it ended on his chest. They were more than that. Silas remembered the first time Clary saw them with the Sight. They tried removing her memory of it but she could still see the markings, unlike normal mundanes.

"Wait, does that mean I can get a tattoo too?" Clary asked. Silas quickly shot down the idea by saying, "No."

His baby sis would never get tattoos. Runes? Sure. Tattoos? Not if HELL freezes over.

Clary then examined the Stele and looked back up. "You know, it's weird. I doodled something that looks like this, this morning. I must have seen this around the house somewhere."

Silas who was bored out of his mind, took Clary's art book and flipped through the pages. He smiled when he saw a drawing of him smoking which made him wonder where she saw him smoke. He never smoked in front of her. He stopped when he saw demons on that page. Then, he saw a drawing of a rune. He flipped to another page to see if she drew something else like this.

His smile dropped at the next page. His throat suddenly ran dry and his breath hitched. She drew him in his demon form. He had only transformed once in front of her and they took that memory out. He couldn't deny that he looked amazing in his demon form.

Jocelyn finally looked at him after he waved the drawing behind Clary. Jocelyn was panicking by then. She shot a panicked look at Silas and the latter shrugged. It was her daughter, therefore her problem.

"Honey I need to-" She started but a ringing shot out from Clary's phone. Clary checked her messages and then made a move to go to her room.

"Simon. He's on his way." She explained.

"We need to talk," Silas said grabbing Clary's shoulders. "All of us. Like serious talk, Clare Bear."

"I can't right now. I gotta change." Clary said trying to walk in her room but she, once again, got stopped by Silas pushing her to her mom. Clary gave him an annoyed look which he replied back with a smug smirk.

"I'm going to go see Champagne Enema tonight."


"Yeah, I know. It's the new band name," she replied with disgust. She never liked the name but Simon was hellbent on keeping it. Even Maureen didn't like it but she loved Simon too much. She never understood how Simon names their band such ridiculous names. She shuddered, remembering the first one.

Silas only wrapped his arm around her shoulder telling her, "Make sure they change it, okay little sis?"

Clary nodded before talking again. She turned to look at her mother and shrugged off Silas's arm around her. Silas took a step back and leaned on the wall.

When Light Meets Fire! // Alec LightwoodUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum