Chapter Seven

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This chapter was created/written in October 2018.

Although the beginning half had admittedly been a tad rocky within execution, the remainder of that particular week had managed to thankfully progress without any furthered excitement . . . at least, not where continual mutant activity had been concerned.

In fact, by the middle of that week, the focus for majority of Himmerish's students had understandably shifted back onto the immensely talented Karmilla's arrival on Friday evening for her concert debut within Bayville City, and the decision whether or not to attend within a group of companions, or with a potential date.

He could have taken direct credit for this, his pupils apparent ability not to buckle too much underneath varying pressures, particularly things which were out of their control; however, having been one himself, 'once upon a time,' Himmerish was fully aware that it was simply more so to do with the fact that they were, first and foremost, teenagers, and would welcome any opportunity to blow off a bit of steam when it'd come.

Still, Himmerish supposed he would be nothing if not prudent had he, in addition to a few of his fellow colleagues, hadn't naturally taken preventative measures regarding the earthquake, which had been unintentionally triggered by a normally in control Cornelia.

Considering the apparent cause had been due to the ongoing, and at times, admittedly perplexing discord the Geokinetic harbored alongside Irma Lair, a strong sentiment which had been regrettably festering during the past two years they'd known each other, it had only seemed fair that the punishment fit the crime, and that both girls should now share the same living quarters of their mutual dorm room.

And as it was to his understanding, courtesy of his ward, Elyon, no one directly involved had been all too pleased with his overruling decision - Including Elyon, herself.

Cornelia was her greatest companion, after all, and former roommate from the very moment the taller blonde had first arrived onto campus.

And, similarly, both Irma and Hay Lin had also always been rather inseparable, themselves, over the years.

Himmerish, indeed his faculty, had not been without any sort of sympathy prior to their headmaster's final verdict; still, he had every confidence that it inevitably would work out for the better, whether or not either girl felt as confident as he on the matter.

Besides, there were far more pressing concerns which Himmerish now found himself faced with tending to. . . .

"Good morning to you, Professor Kandrakar! I trust you've slept well last night?" Himmerish gently smiled as he looked up from his desk in time to watch one of his longtime colleagues, Yan Lin, gracefully glide through the previously sealed door to his private study.

Yan Lin had always carried herself with an . . . almost unparalleled wisdom and dignity, since the very day he had first met her all those decades ago, which sometimes would honestly cause Himmerish to privately wonder if she should not have been the one to have been born with the profoundly omnipotent Telepathic abilities which he instead possessed.

Or, at the very least, had been made the new headmistress of their fair and just school.

And, in all honesty, had he not already bequeathed the position to his beloved Elyon when the time came, feeling quite strongly that she truly was the best person for the job, Himmerish imagined he perhaps might have approached Yan Lin years ago to one day take his place after he'd eventually stepped down.

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