Plans and Punishments

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King POV

It was 1 O'Clock in the morning in the whole house was sleeping. Except me guards and some servants, I was drowning  my 6 or 7th cup of whiskey.

Somewhere downstairs I heard voices talking. Why are they still up? I would think as hard as they was working they would be exhausted.

I sighed.

Hennessy wants nothing to do with me. After all i did was love and protect her the best I could. I don't know what to do. But no matter what I do she seems to think I'm a monster.

I'll apologize but I'm not saying it first.  I'm not the one that it wrong here. She left, not me. I sigh and stand to pour another drink.

Marco is no where to be found so I gotta deal with money and customer loss if this doesn't work. I can't do anything to bad cause Hennessy just gonna find some way to take my son away from me and I'll be damned if I let that happen.

The office door opens to reveal a security guard. He walks in.

"Fucking knock next time." I snap at him grabbing the bottle of whiskey.

"Sure thing." He says looking tired. "I would suggest fixing your hair and tie. Your sister is here as you ordered." He says.

I nearly smirked. I've punished security guards for much less but he didn't seem fazed or scared. He has guts. I like that.

"Have her come up here immediately." I reply pouring another drink.

"You know. I spoke to her before she went to bed. " He says as he starts to walk out the door, my glass froze on the way to my lips. I already knew he was talking about Hennessy.

I suddenly had the urge to kill him. The hell was he doing talking to my wife? Or soon to be ex wife...

"Stop" I ordered. He froze. "Why was you talking to her?" I asked curiously.

"Well she asked me to come to her room because she noticed my... interest in one of the maids. I guess she wants to play Cupid. Which in fine with." He said it as if that wasn't the important part I was supposed to know.

"And... " I prompted.

"Well, I was in the hallway downstairs when you guys we're arguing. After she spoke of me and Bella getting together. She started talking about how you guys first met and how she fell in love with you. I think that since she spoke of separating with you, that you should make her fall in love with you again. Well, she already is in love with you, that much I got. But make her realize her feelings again, maybe i don't know,  act like how when she fell in love with you. It will probably make her come to the realization that you're the only one she can live with and can't live without. "

I nearly laughed. "You want me to sleep with women and be an asshole to her like how I wasn't we first met? That's why she wants to leave now because she thinks I'm an asshole, well, I am, but you get the picture."

He gave me a look."Yeah, but underneath all that, she realized that you have a heart, a soft one, which is what she needs to realize again with your son. Play your cards a little bit differently this time."

I sipped my whiskey. "Why do you even care?" I ask, stepping a little bit closer.

He seemed unfazed by my approach. "Because if she's gonna help give me the woman I want, why not help her get the man that she wants back."

I chuckled, "I like the way you think." I say walking back onto the platform to my desk. I smirked. This could work. I sat down at my desk with a satisfied sigh.

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