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Hey babies! I just wanted to say that im sorry for waiting so long to update and to keep yall waiting.😶
Thank you for those who continued to stick with me! As an apology im giving a double update!😍


"Why did you leave?" He asked in a even voice.

I bit my lip and looked away.

"Why did you leave?" He repeated shouting.

I looked down at my hands. "Because you wouldn't give up your gang." I answer. I looked up and stared into his deep dark eyes. "And because it wasn't safe for our baby."

Kings face goes blank. "Excuse me?" He says leaning forward.

"I said it wasn't safe..... For our baby."I say softly.

King stands. "You were pregnant? I... I have a kid?" He was in shock.

I put my head down cause i felt the tears coming. "Yes.. We have a son." I say. You could hear the tears in my voice. "His name is Seth Kingsley Mitchell Jr."

"Hennessy....Why did you keep this from me? I have a son! I missed everything! His first steps! His first words! Im no better then my father!"

I held my tears in and fixed my facial expression hiding everything. I looked up at him.

"Im sorry Sebastian. But yes i kept the biggest secret from you. Do you know how hard it was to leave the love of my life and never see or speak to him again. How i longed for you everyday??? How many times i dialed your phone number to tell you how i missed you and you have a son? How many times i cried thinking about you? But everytime i go to press that call button... Do you know what i suddenly remember? That his father is a murder. With a lot if enemies that would do or hurt anybody close to him to make him fall. That-"

"I could have protected him Hennessy that's no excuse!!" King yells cutting me off.

"Didn't you say the same thing to me? Six months before i was taken, beaten, and nearly raped?"

He went silent again. "King. I asked you three and a half years ago. Would you give it all up and start a family with me. You said no. Believe me all i ever wanted was for you to be along side you and raise our baby but i don't want him hurt. Or to grow up to be like you. I want him to make a difference." I say softly.

King puts his head down in his hands and doesn't move. But i know he's not crying. He does that when he's upset and taking everything in. I close my eyes and sigh. I stand up from my seat and he still doesn't look up. I wanted to go over and comfort him. I walk up and sit on his desk.

"Im sorry Sebastian. Im not asking you to forgive me but im asking you to understand." I say overwhelmed that this was the closest I've been to my husband in nearly 4 years.

I still didn't receive no response. "He looks just like you." I whisper, knowing he could hear me from how close we are. "He has your eyes. Your smile. Your attitude. He's your exact replica."

He looks up. "I want to meet him. I want to see my son." He grabs my hand. "Hennessy. Please let me prove myself to you. I want to be in my sons life." He looks down at my hand where my wedding ring was, where its always been, and where it never got token off.

I nearly said no.

I almost did.

"I know your scared. And i know you don't believe i can do this. But i know i can protect my son. With everything i got-"

"King. My son..Our son asks about you everyday. Everyday he asks 'When can i see my daddy'. And do you know what i tell him?" Me and King lock gazes.

His Weakness, Her StrengthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora