When she saw him, she started to scream and jump. "YOU FOUND HER!"

Grunting, Hamza handed over the fat and now wet cat to his wife. "She's just a fatty. I found her a few blocks away in front of a restaurant chewing on a chicken bone."

Laila pressed the cat against her face, cooing. "My baby! You're so wet. Are you cold?"

"Yes, I am." Hamza muttered, grabbing a towel and running it through his hair.

Laila smirked at her husband's obvious pout. "Don't be jealous." He laughed at that and her features softened into a heart-melting smile. "But thank you so much. I love you."

"I love you too," He pecked her on the nose before sneezing loudly, earning a scornful meow from Tabby.

Needless to say, he had a terrible cold for the rest of the week while Tabby continued life exactly where she left off: getting spoiled rotten by Laila.

Hamza opened his eyes and gripped the doorknob, wanting nothing more than to go back inside and comfort his wife; help her through this difficult moment. He wanted to feel her familiar body in his arms and squeeze her until all her pain disappeared. But this was something Hamza couldn't fix.

He couldn't go and bring back the dead.

Or her memory, for that matter.

Instead, he returned to where Ahmad and Sarah sat, waiting for him. "How did it go?" Sarah asked as soon as he appeared.

Hamza ran a hand through his hair, a habit he did whenever something bothered him. "She's confused, but still trying really hard to remember."

Ahmad nodded gravely. "We must all be patient."

Sarah stood up. "It's almost time for Maghreb." She smiled from her husband to Hamza. "You two better get going to the Masjid. I'll go back up to check on her in a bit."

After they prayed, Hamza was greeted by his friends at the Masjid parking lot, Samir and Abdullah.

"We heard what happened and tried to call after we dropped off your car, but you never answered..." Samir gave Hamza an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, man."

Abdullah bobbed his head in agreement, throwing his arm around Hamza's shoulders. "Hang in there. Insha'Allah, it'll all come back to her."

Hamza smiled appreciatively as they all exited the Masjid. "Yeah, Insha'Allah it will. I didn't get to talk to you guys properly for a while now. What's new?"

"I should be graduating soon," Abdullah piped up. "I can't wait for the studying to finally end. College sucks, man. It's full of fitnah."

"That's why I've been telling you to get married." Samir shook his head. "Trust me, it's much easier after that."

"Yeah, sure, just find me a girl that can handle all of this," in an exaggerated manner, Abdullah waved a hand around his well-built chest that he rightfully earned after slaving hours every day in the gym. He wasn't always like that. Hamza remembered when he was still an awkwardly shy pimply teenager. When he started getting into health and fitness, he completely transformed in the short span of a year. Not only did his physique improve, but also his confidence levels. He never looked back after that. 

Samir snorted. "It'd be a miracle if a girl sticks with you. Your ego would suffocate her."

Hamza grinned at them, playfully bumping into Samir. "Hey, look at you. I didn't expect any girl to put up with you either. Now look... you're a proud grandpa!" Being the only one with kids in their group, there was no surprise that he was teased about it relentlessly. 

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