Chapter 2

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Jackson's POV

I am on the plane thinking about how my life changed since my father died. It was a few months ago and he prepared me for such a possibility all my life. He wasn't one to beat around the bush.

I had no choice but to move away. Too many packs knew that my dad had passed away and a fresh Alpha with no Luna by his side is vulnerable especially at such a young age.

It was difficult to leave my pack and silent the mind link with everyone except the guys I took with me. I am one of the strongest Alphas but no one can know how strong I really am as it could put me and my pack in danger. I have my closest pack members move in with me and others are spread over a distance ready to respond for my call whenever I need them. The rest of the pack is countries away heavily guarded led by the best worriers a  nd the elders.

I was trained for being the alpha since I could crawl. My training never ended and I loved the rush I got from fighting.

Moving and blending in with humans in a school should be fun. I know I'm an Alpha and all but it's still my life and I like to enjoy it. It's like a different part of life I didn't get to experience. I never stayed with the humans for an extended period of time so I can't hide the excitement.

My cousin Elise goes to that school so she told me to meet up with her. I'm planning to do that before throwing a party. As I said I like to have some fun and my guys should enjoy having someone new over. We all like to have a bit of fun and I can't take that away from the guys. I'm not too protective over Eli since I know she can take care of herself. I don't get to see her more than once a year for pack gatherings. I kind of miss her since she is the only one my age that is not really scared of me because of my position. Sure, the guys can step up to me but it's never serious, they have to know their place. 

I'm trying to figure out what role I want to play in our new territory and can't quite see it yet. For now, I will meet Eli and get information from people that come to our party.

We have a huge house ready to move in to next to a forest with many rooms so we can fit everyone in. A few guest rooms too for situations such as Elise. I expect her to be sleeping over quite a lot since from what she told me there aren't many wolves in her town and wolves like to stick together.

We got a lot of money from my dad's business which is now officially mine yet I decided to go to school first. Most of the pack is involved in the business and my father's senior advisors now lead the business while I wait for the right moment to take over.

It will be nice seeing Eli and hopefully we won't be going in blind. I decide to follow the guys and go to sleep imagining what the next few weeks might be like. I hope my small pack settles in well and that the elders have everything under control. With the amount of responsibility I hold the pack always has to come first. I hope they never need to contact me until I come back myself.

Lesley's POV

It's the day of the sleepover and I'm nervous but excited because the school day was so boring. Mr Jones gave us a mass of prep to do for our next class with him and is now taking over 15 minutes rambling about something while everyone is ignoring him. He has a habit of repeating himself. I'm trying not to fall asleep listening to his monologue.

Why can't he shut up

The voice in my head echoed my deeper thoughts and I chuckled getting the teacher's attention.

"So, Miss White I see you find something funny about organic chemistry. Would you like to share with your peers? Looking at their faces I think they could use some humour right now."

I looked at him blankly as I thought of the best way to get out of this and said "Oh no its nothing I just had a bit of a cough sir." I flashed my angelic smile and looked right back at him.

Are you serious? The whole class is either on their phones or whispering and he chose to pick on me?

Once he started talking again I sighed and zoned out again. Way too tired for this.


"Sooo what day is it Les? Go on. Tell me" Elise was so happy it made me even more annoyed.

"You tell me El" I said rolling my eyes

"Sleepover! Oh my god how could you forget? I already met them the day I got your mum to say yes." Okay it was slightly funny how shocked she looked. She is super hyper.

"You know me. I wouldn't ever have remembered that. That's why I have you." I winked. It is true that if it wasn't for Eli I'm not sure how well I would deal with my life. It's as if she has my schedule recorded somewhere and reminds me of anything coming up. Absolute angel.

"Come on I'll pack your bag while you shower, I have everything ready myself. Unlike some unorganised people with their head in the clouds. Ugh these people. Don't know how anyone could deal with them." She sighed and laughed at her own sarcasm.

I smiled and shook my head at her. 

"Oh, and by the way I haven't told my cousin I'm bringing you I want to see their reaction." she laughed at my shocked expression "Don't worry they won't be annoyed or they'll have to deal with me and nobody wants that. Their reactions will be priceless."

She went on to another one of her monologues.


I came out of the shower and dried my hair putting on the clothes Elise got ready for me while she got in the shower.

It was a cute cropped wrap shirt with a faux leather skirt with interesting zipper patterns and white heels.

By the time I put them in the car and went to dry my hair Eli was dressed in a cute burgundy shirt dress and similar heels to mine. She said that although it's a sleepover we need to impress and the guys are more on the fancy side so it will be perfect.

I put on my lip balm and did my mascara as I wasn't a fan of using foundation. If anything I sometimes used concealer. Elise went for some eyeshadow and we were ready to go.

 Elise went for some eyeshadow and we were ready to go

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I let Elise drive my car since she knew the way to the place we were going to. I felt more and more excited as we came closer to our destination. By the time I saw the huge modern house my legs couldn't stay still and my heart was racing. The mysterious eyes flashed over my head and made me practically jump out of the car as soon as we parked. I saw some expensive looking cars next to ours and I wondered how many people live here.

Suddenly the door of the house opened and I drew in a sharp breath as a really hot group of guys walked out. One of them caught my attention the most with his dark hair and cute smile as soon as he saw Elise.

Then I saw his eyes.


Hey guys!

Today's chapter is coming in early (at least for my time zone) and we'll see if I manage to get another one out today.

Hopefully I get enough time to study and post chapters.

I'm feeling motivated.

Don't be shy to comment and ☆

Love you lots xxx 

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