Chapter 4

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Lesley's POV

I like your thinking
Yeah I know I'm genius. Glad you agree.

It's funny talking to a random voice in your head.
Maybe it isnt so random.

I felt excitement bubble up inside me resisting the urge to laugh at my plan. That's just me when I'm drunk.

I looked at Matt and  gave him a fake deer-in-the-headlights look at which everyone laughed.

"Oh stop dragging it out or I'll record it."

"Lesley's pretty good at acting she could make a good scene out of it." Elise said laughing.

I was suprised that she made fun of it now I couldn't help wonder what made her be so serioud about me staying away from him before.

"So" I decided to start. I mean a dare is a dare but really I was hoping it would happen. Lucas was very good looking and I wanted something to happen between us noatter how soon it would end. "It's Lucas, right?" 

"And you're Lesley." 

I feel a jolt and an overwhelming sense of calmness spread through my body. My legs give out as I'm pulled into a warm embrace and I'm forced to straddle his lap by the momentum of his strong arms bringing me in. My eyes shut as I shiver when his fresh smell surrounds me and makes me want to get closer. I doubt me being drunk helps my head tame my thoughts at the moment. I feel a gentle stroke on my naked arms and snap my eyes open seeing that I haven't moved to complete the dare with Lucas.

I felt blood rush to my cheeks. I look up and with no time I feel his lips against mine and I instantly respond to the soft touch.

I felt a rush that felt so different to anything I felt before that I got a bit light headed. And I'm pretty sure it wasn't from the lack of oxygen. I'm not really sure who deepened the kiss but his hands travelled down my back sending a shiver down my spine. Our lips were more impatient very quickly and I dont think anyone noticed a tear that dripped down my cheek. However, I felt Lucas tense. He softened the kiss again and quickly stopped but not before seemingly casually bringing his hands to my cheeks, really just wiping my tears away.

I felt strange for the fact that the simple touch had a great effect on me and it was all I could do not to kiss him again. It made me frustrated that I shed tears not knowing why. I wanted to scream because of the whole situation. 


"Okay well Lesley I dare you to sit on Lucas' lap for the rest of the night." I think no one would be able to observe the blush forming as we were all looking pretty red from the drinking and how high the temperature was anyway. I wasn't sure people gave me those dares because of me being the only girl that wasn't his family right now or if they noticed I took a liking to him.

"Okay this was the last round. Derek and I will grab some snacks you guys get a movie going." Elise ordered and I was thankful as she was keeping in mind tomorrow will be just as eventful. Every group needs someone to be the responsible one and clearly no one else was willing or available to step up to that role.

"We'll bring down the duvets and I'll let Lesley pick a room as you guys do all that." He looked over at me expectedly and I smiled.

He came over to me and held a hand out to help me up. "Do you want a piggyback?"

"Yeah I'm a bit heavy though," I was slightly self conscious as he'd have to carry me upstairs.

"Not a problem I'm expecting you to be tired by now" He tuned around and bent his knees slightly for me to jump onto his back. I did and loosely wrapped my arms around his neck as he held me up with his hands under my thighs.

I took this as an opportunity to look around. The house seemed quite modern which I loved and wished I could sleep here with their group. The house had a mainly white grey and beige colour theme with some pictures or decorations around as well as some added textures.

He walked down the hallway with me still on his back and went all the way to the door at the opposite end. I was surprised at how many doors were just on this wing of the house. I knew it was big but I don't think I realised how big it actually was until I saw this.

I had my right cheek pressed against Lucas' left so I watched him open the door and let me go once inside. He whipped round to face me and pushed me against the door making it shut behind me.

Hope you enjoyed don't forget to star and comment of you want to see more ;)

♡ Love you guys


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