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The antique, pendulum wall-clock, hanging on the wall above the entrance door dinged, signalling that she was running late for her afternoon classes. She cursed under her breathe as she heard the ding-dongs reverberating around the house. She quickly packed the sandwiches in a box and stuffed it in her bag. She picked the books off the table, slung the backpack on her shoulders and walked out of the kitchen.

"Ummi," She called out as she strode on the aisle to the door. "I'm leaving. Allah Hafiz." She said, slipping her feet into the shoes and sliding out of the house without waiting for any response from her mother.

The sun was shining bright in the sky, contributing light and heat more than it was necessary on the earth. Squinting her eyes, she unfolded the scarf and covered her head, shielding herself from the vicious sun. Crossing the road, she started walking down the street, hugging the books and trying to kept the scarf from sliding down her head.

There was a bus stop a little far away from her house, where the university bus stopped at 12 and left exactly at 12:10, not a minute late and not a minute soon. She couldn't remember the last time she did not, not miss the bus. She checked her watched and sighed, knowing for a fact that she was going to miss it again and was going to end up taking a local bus to the university instead.

Perhaps, the next time her father hands her the bus fare, she should save it for herself instead, she thought to herself.

Suddenly, as she walked her usual path to the bus station, she felt something bizarre. Like someone was following her and that she was being watched. Clenching her scarf below her chin, she turned and peeked over her shoulders.

Her eyes narrowed in suspicious when she found a car, gliding leisurely in an unusual, slow pace on the road behind her.

It was that typical beaten up red car that serial killers rode in one of those creepy movies she used to watch.

She panicked, paranoia creeping up her spine as the worse of thoughts came to her.

Was he going to kill and trade her body to the cannibals?

Or was she going to get kidnaped and sold off to some women sex trafficking thing??

Or worse, was she going to get raped??

She closed her eyes and shook her head in horror, her heart beats reaching a notch higher. Beats of sweats glittering on her forehead against the sunlight while she took a random turn. Quickening her pace, she rummaged through her stuffs in the backpack, looking for the pepper spray that she always carried with her. She let out a helpless cry when she realised that the backpack was a new one and that most of her stuffs were still in the old one.

But before she could think of anything else, out of the blue, the car wheeled past her and came to a screeching stop in front of her.

She snapped her head up, opened her mouth and prepared herself for a scream when the car door opened wide and the person she never thought she would see ever in her lifetime, appeared out of it.

Her eyes widened as she recognised him, the backpack and the books she was carrying fell off her hands. "Zeeshan?" She gaped, shocked on her place.

"Hello to you too, Handal Hayat Hussain." He chirped with a smirk on his face, kicking the car door close behind him and leaning against it as he watched the colours slowly fading from her face.

Damsel In Distress (COMPLETED✓)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora