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Unarguably, the woman in front of Laiba was hundred times more beautiful than the woman from the portrait.

A clear, porcelain, heart shaped face, doe-like-eyes, perfectly shaped brows, lush lashes, sharp thin nose, plum lips, soft but prominent jawline and on top of that, those rich chestnut curls of hers were only complimenting her features furthermore.

In a daze, Laiba watched as Meher's eyes zigzag between her-stunned-self and Urooba before moving to someone behind them.

Something heavy drop in her stomach at the line of her sight.


With a dreading heart, she turned on her heels and unmistakably, saw him standing there with an intense look on his face, his eyes zeroing back at Meher.

A cold breeze swept her face, chilling her senses as she stood between them while they stared back at each other.

Just then, Areesha grabbed the flower vase off the side table and hurled it on the ground.

The vase hit the marble floor and shattered into thousand tiny pieces, startling all of them.

Silence followed.

Everyone was looking at the broken vase on the floor now, eyes widened and mouths agape in shock.

"HOW COULD SHE DO THIS TO ME???" Areesha demanded from Meher, furiously, her eyes raging with hatred.

"IT'S MY FU**KING WEDDING, DAMIT!!!" She kicked the mini table to the ground, her skin turning red.

Areesha looked so intimidating right then that Laiba forgot all about Meher and Aariz in that moment.

"I HATE HER!!" Her voice cracked and she was breathing heavily by now, prolly on the verge of a break down.

"I HATE EVERYF**KINGONE!!!!" She shouted on top of her lungs and stomped away.

No one spoke a word as they watched her climb the staircase two steps at a time and disappear from their sight.

A moment later, they all heard her bang the bedroom door shut.

Everyone still had their heads tilted upwards, bathing in the silence when Meher spoke up.

"She hasn't changed much, has she?" She commented in a familiar accent.

All of them turned their attention to her.

Where she stood unaffected, dressed like a Barbie in a pair of skinny jeans, white under tee and a fuchsia jacket.

Zara Othman opened her mouth to speak but Umme-Zeeshan placed a hand on her shoulder, stopping her from saying anything.

Zara Othman grounded her teeth and restrained herself.

"You must be tired." Umme-Zeeshan spoke up instead, "Why don't you rest, dear?" She told Meher, politely.

She faced her and nodded in agreement, "Sure."

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