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People fall in love all the time, sometimes it's great, sometimes a climb. Some are happy, some are blue, but love is either there or it's through. Some stay, some leave, some fight on, some just let it close. It's how it goes. But what about the ones they set free?

Nothing in her father's house had changed over the course of two years. The walls, furniture, cookware, crockery, bedding, drapes, and rugs all remained exactly as she remembered them. Even the wall clock in the corridor, which had been ten minutes slow for the past five years, remained unfixed.

It felt as though she had never left, as if the past two years of her life had merely been a dream from which she had been now awakened.

Laiba could have easily picked up her life from where she had left off if only she wasn't too ensnared in the dream to return to reality.

She hadn't anticipated that letting go would be this difficult. It felt akin to experiencing death itself. Letting him go felt like a part of her had died. In essence, she felt lifeless. There was no other way to express it. Since their parting, she had been mourning as if someone had passed away. Every morning it felt as though she was waking up to a funeral, grieving for someone who was still alive yet not with her. Or perhaps she was mourning her own demise. She couldn't tell.

لَا يُكَلِّفُ ٱللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا ۚ

Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear.

{Quran 2:286}

She kept reminding herself.

She kept praying to Allah to give her sabr, to give her the strength to endure this heart wrenching separation.

She wanted to trust Allah and his plans. She wanted to have faith and Tawakul in him. She truly wanted to believe it was for the best.

But no matter how much she tried to accept her reality, she couldn't.

She felt out of place in her father's house.

She felt like a stranger among them.

She felt like she didn't belong there.


Zeeshan gently tapped on the partially opened door to the drawing-room, where the elders were gathered to discuss the current situation at home. Upon spotting him at the entrance, they gestured for him to join them.

He took a seat across from them.

"Did he agree?" Zainab Othman asked.

She, along with the others, shared a collective belief that leaving Aariz without adult supervision in that situation was not a good idea. Consequently, she volunteered to take her son to Melbourne with her, assuring everyone that she would take care of him.

While many doubted her parenting, they also knew, him with someone was better than, him with no one.

Zeeshan's task was to persuade Shah which, surprisingly, wasn't as challenging as he had thought it would be.

Perhaps, he was as concerned about Aariz as they were.

"Yes, he agreed to go with our plan."

"Does Aariz know where he's going?" Zara Othman asked.


"Don't be surprised when he refuses to go."

"He's either going to his mother's place or nowhere." Faheem Othman made a firm statement.

They nodded their heads in agreement.

"Did you speak to him? Did he tell you anything?" He queried.

"I tried. He wasn't ready to speak about it."

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