Hope for us all- Prologue

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Hi, I'm Hope Mikaelson. My mother was a werewolf, father a hybrid and grandmother a witch. I'm named Hope because my father, Klaus wasn't the best person. But when I was born, my uncle Elijah hoped I would change his brother Klaus from his bloodthirsty ways.

I'm the first tribrid in existence. As you can guess, that doesn't make me very popular at school.

I attend the Salavatore School for the Young and Gifted and so you'd presume that I'd have lots of friends but being the only one of your kind doesn't get you any bonus points in the social sector unfortunately for my socially awkward self.

The school is in Mystic Falls where many of my families' friends grew up. I only know of two places that feel like home; New Orleans and Mystic Falls.

My aunt Freya taught me how black magic throughout my childhood as she insisted that I'd need it someday. I haven't told Mr Saltzman about my practice of the dark arts yet. I know he wouldn't react well.

I've been at the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted for a few years now. Mr Saltzman and a woman named Caroline, opened the school a few years after I was born.

Everyone at the school has a gift, be it a werewolf, vampire, witch or any other supernatural ability like a siren. We each share dorm rooms with two or more others but I asked to have my own dorm room. It's not that I don't like people (even tho I'm not great at social interaction), I just like to keep to myself.

I've only grown up knowing one thing; Always and forever. My family made this promise to one another when they became the original vampires. I only have place in my heart for my family. I don't know how to be capable of loving someone else. Nor do I want. I don't have time for distractions and my family already takes up my life, my reputation, my heart.

But maybe I could try and open up to people. I mean there's hope for us all right?

-Authors Note-
This is my first TVD based book! I hope you enjoy this.ill post the first chapter either tonight, tomorrow or the next day! Vote and comment on it please. I really appreciate constructive criticism as it helps me to improve my writing skills.

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