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'you're what?' says ben in shock

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'you're what?' says ben in shock.

'pregnant.' she says and ben suddenly  silent.


'a-are you sure?'

'yes, i've got three pregnancy tests right here.'

then suddenly ben goes silent again. ben is slowly freaking out in his hotel room in abu dhabi, he wasn't expecting this kind of phone call from nailah. he was eventually gonna go and see her to apologise to her because of their current strained relationship. but now he knows that she might be pregnant, has changed everything.

'ben, please talk you're scaring me.'

'i'm sorry baby, it's just i'm just in shock. i dont know what to say exactly. look i'm on the first flight out there, i'll have a look at flights now.'

'no no don't do that, you need to film.'

'fuck that for now, this is more important. you're more important. we're currently on a couple day rest, i'll just explain to michael i need an extra few days for family reasons, he's bound to understand.'

'you don't have to, it can wait it's still very early in the pregnancy. you come back home in three weeks anyways, it can wait.'

'no, i'm coming nailah. look there's a flight out in three hours, i'm booking it now.'

'ben i-'

'there's no point of arguing. i'm coming and that's final. i love you okay?' i have to go and pack.'

'alright fine, i love you too ben.'

'see you later baby.' he says before she hangs up.

'well?' says rami looking at her.

'ben's coming to los angeles.'


because of the time zones, ben's plane left at two pm abu dhabi time which is two am los angeles time. the flight is around sixteen hours which means ben arrived at lax at around eight pm. he's going to take a taxi to rami's house where he arrives.

'hey, come on don't be nervous. it's not like you're about to tell someone you don't know is it? and besides you've already told him that you're pregnant, what's the worst that could happen?' says rami.

'i know, it's just such a big thing. we've always been pretty chill in our relationship like we haven't rushed into anything.'

'don't worry about it okay? today i'm going to give you a tour of the city and we're going to have a great time. and then tonight we're going to see your mans.' says rami wrapping his arms around her. she holds him close as he kisses the top of her forehead.

even though nailah has known leah and tom longer than rami, there is just something that clicks between them. also the fact rami knows ben better than leah and tom.

'thanks rami, for everything.' she says with a smile.

'don't worry about it gorgeous, also, we're leaving in thirty minutes so getting ready!' says rami.

nailah heads back into the room she's currently staying in. she puts on a dark blue dress with black vans before putting on some make up. as the los angeles weather is a lot than london, she decides simply on some mascara and powder. she brushes her teeth before putting some lipstick on and going back downstairs.

'ready?' says rami with a smile.

'ready freddie.' she says making him laugh and they get into his car.


'i am so tired.' says nailah walking into his house after a long day visiting the city.

'what time is it?' she says flopping down onto the sofa while rami walks into the kitchen to pour himself a drink.

'ten to eight.' he says making her sit up suddenly and look at the front door.

ben will be here soon, she placed the thought to the back of her mind until now.

'fuck! do i look okay?' she says getting up and tucking her hair behind her ears.

'calm down nailah, you look fine!' says rami laughing but nailah just rushes into her bedroom.

a few moments later when nailah's upstairs, someone knocks on the door. rami puts down his glass and walks over to his front door and opens it.

'hey rami.' says ben with a shy smile standing there with a suitcase.

'come on in ben.' he says and ben walks past him into his house and looks around for nailah.

'she's upstairs, second door on the left. i think you should go up there and talk to her. she's been stressing out about it this all day.'

'really? why?'

'she's just scared, this is a lot for her ben.' he says before ben heads upstairs and stands outside her bedroom and knocks on the door.

'baby?' he says.

'come in.' says nailah and he walks in, seeing nailah lying on the bed. she quickly gets up and rushes towards him, throwing her arms around him and pulling him close.

'i've missed you so much ben.' she says into his chest. he just rubs her back and kisses the top of her head before she starts to slowly sob.

'sssh baby, it's okay.' he says softly.

'i'm scared ben. how could i be so stupid? why didn't i just take the pill?'

'hey hey hey don't say that. stop acting like this is your fault. it's just a bump in the road but we can fix it. if you want to keep our baby, i will support you but if you want to get rid of i will support you as well. it's not my decision that matters, it's yours. but please don't get yourself worked up over this.'

'i don't a baby to ruin your career. i don't want you thinking when you're out filming across the world "oh i better get home i have a kid." i want you to explore and enjoy your freedom.'

'nailah, i will love this child more than anything. it is worth more than any film or audition. don't think about me, think about you and what you want. do you really want a baby nailah? and don't lie to me just to make me happy, answer me truthfully.' he says looking straight into her eyes.

'no, no i don't want this baby.'

this part was all over the place i'm so sorry omf and i know they didn't make up properly after their argument but you know with that kind of situation it's different

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