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'i'm scared

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'i'm scared.' says ben as they stand outside of nailah's parents house.

'relax, they are going to love you ben.' says nailah with a small smile, giving his hand a squeeze before ringing the door bell. a few moments later, nailah's mum answers it.

'nailah! my darling.' she says happily giving nailah a massive hug.

'hi mum.' says nailah with a smile.

'and you must be ben! wow you're very handsome aren't you?'

'it's very nice to meet you misses jackson.' he replies with a smile.

'don't call me that love! just call me gwen.' she says before giving ben a hug, taking him by surprise.

'come in, come in! you're going to catch a cold standing there.'

ben and nailah walk into her parents house, following gwen into the living room where her husband, george is currently lighting the fireplace.

nailah comes from wealthy family, her mum works for a fashion house whilst her dad is a lawyer. but they never flaunted their wealth, they were all extremely down to earth. nailah refused to let her parents pay for her university degree and choose to get a loan to pay it back herself in the future.

'look who's here george.' says gwen with a smile on her face. george gets up and turns around.

'there she is, my beautiful little girl.' he says walking over to her with open arms.

'how are you dad?' she says giving him a hug.

'i'm good sweetheart, how about you? and you must be ben.'

'it's nice to meet you sir.' says ben politely shaking his hand.

'you know ben, not to be funny or anything but you must be pretty special because nailah never introduces her to her boyfriends.' says george.

'that's because none of them were ben, dad.'


'so ben, nailah tells me you're an actor.'  says gwen as they are currently eating around the dining room table.

'that's right.'

'he was in that show you watched on bbc, you know, the woman in white?' says nailah.

'oh yes! i thought i recognised you from somewhere! you play walter.'

'that's right! i'm also currently filming bohemian rhapsody then i have to travel for a couple of months across the globe for the michael bay film, six underground. it's going to be fun but also difficult as i won't get to see nailah's smile every day.' he says looking at nailah who just smiles back at him.

'you're playing roger taylor right?'

'that's right sir.'

'please call me george, so what's it like playing an iconic rockstar?'

'honestly it's an honour, i've gotten the opportunity to get drums lessons from the man himself at abbey road studios. but i'm also nervous because i'm scared someone i do isn't exactly correct or roger wouldn't do it that way.'

'you're very dedicated to acting aren't you?' asks george looking at ben.

'yes, yes i am.'

'dad stop being so patronising!' says nailah.

'don't worry about it nailah, he's just getting to know me.'


after eating dinner, george is talking to ben in the living room whilst gwen is showing her new fashion collection for the next year in her designing room.

'so ben, you really love my daughter don't you?' he asks.

they are both sat down in front of the fire. nailah warned him about maybe doing the whole father talk to him but ben is still extremely nervous.

'yes, yes i do.'

'i know you're nervous. i know what's it like meeting your girlfriend's parents for the first time and the dad sits you down and does the whole "if you break her heart" speech. i don't want to do that.' says george making ben relax slightly.

'i just want to a good impression as i know she never brought any of her old boyfriends to meet you.'

'that is very true but you don't need to worry. because you know nailah tries and calls us at least once a week and she always speaks so fondly of you. i don't think i've ever seen her so happy. i knew you were special when she started talking about within weeks of knowing you.'

'she's always gushing about you telling us how amazing and perfect you are. and from today, i can see why she likes you so much. you're a handsome young man who's kind with a good work ethnic. you're the exact kind of person, i want my daughter to be with.' he says making ben smile.

hearing her dad praising him is more than ben could have asked for. he's been stressing out about this moment for weeks.

'thank you sir, i mean george sorry, hearing that from you is more than i could ever ask for.'

'don't worry about it lad! i know she really loves you and i can tell you really love her too. just the way you look at her, you look like a love sick puppy.' he says laughing.

in the opposite side of the house, while showing nailah her new designs, gwen also decides to bring up the topic.

'so ben huh?' she says.

'what about him?' asks nailah looking at her.

'he's gorgeous, you did well. he's a keeper.' she says laughing making nailah go bright red.

'mum!' she says embarrassed.

'what it's true! i might have been with your dad nearly twenty five years, that doesn't mean i can't have a look.' she says making nailah laugh.

'but you really love him don't you? i can tell because you've never been like this about anyone before.'

'i love him more than anything mum, sometimes i thank my lucky stars that i met him. i know this is going to sound somewhat ridiculous as it's so early in our relationship but i really think he could be the one. i've loved people before but i've never been in love with anyone before. i wouldn't change this feeling for the world.' says nailah with a smile.

gwen just looks at her daughter who is happily in love and smiles. she's so glad she's found someone who she truly deserves. nailah's never been the type to be into love and relationships but that's truly changed since she met ben. even though they've known each other five months and been together for nearly four of them, she can't wait to spend the rest of her life with him.

bitch it's ben soft hours here let me pass the tissues around

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