Special Chapter: Seymone

Start from the beginning

"I know who you are." I interrupted him rudely, earning a glare from Sarina but I don't care. "Not that I give a damn because I am NOT going to some European country."

Sarina pinched my side, making me flinch. I looked at her and she gave me one of those disappointed stares making me frown and shut my mouth as I crossed my arms against my chest and looked away sharply.

" Sorry about that Leone." she apologized softly. "She is just scared. It was a lot to take in when she found out."

Damn right. I am scared. I am freaking out!

"I understand." came Leone's deep voice then after a while he order us some drinks and then addressed me. "Sey... May I call you that? Okay. Let me be clear on this. You don't have to go back with me if you want. All I want is to properly explain our side of the story."

It was a few minutes before I finally made eye contact with him and nodded cautiously. My guard was up by a lot and I won't yield to him.

He must have seen the defiance in my face because he merely smiled in a resigned manner.

"But perhaps the story can wait for another day, normally when I am angry at father; I usually don't want to listen to anything he has to say. " he said sheepishly and I felt my frown lessen a bit. " All I am saying is...you can approach me when you are ready to listen to the whole story."

Crap. No...don't be taken in Sey...

"Really?" I said sarcastically. " I thought the king would order you to drag me back to Europe kicking and screaming."

His eyes lit up with humor.

"I guess we could do that." he countered. " But...I won't. Father left this matter to me and I would rather you come back for at least a visit of your own will."

"Humph. I see, Well....whatever." I shrugged then I looked at him. " I want a DNA test. Although I trust my cousin...maybe she missed something. This will settle once and for all if I am the king's bastard."

Once again, my harsh words made my cousin's face twist up in sadness and I wish I could apologize but I did not.

"Okay. Let us do that." he nodded. "I'll set up an appointment with a clinic I know here that can get the test done quickly."

As he made a few phone calls. I noticed Sarina held his hand and he smiled tenderly at her while he squeezed back.

That made my heart hurt because my older cousin has never made that face before and it made me jealous...a bit.

I looked away from them and thought back on that odd power that came over me when my emotions were high. It was weird...like I swallowed another voice that seems to reverberate within me when I lashed out at Luis.

Not only that....The sensation felt familiar...like I...I knew I had this within me. But how?

So many questions....and yet I don't know who to turn to. My cousin seems to know why I am like this but could she help me to avoid using my "other" voice?

"Food is ready girl." Sarina's gentle voice made me look back at the table. My rice bowl was all ready to eat so I dug in while my thoughts swirled around my head.

We left the restaurant when we were done and got into a new black Chevrolet Camaro car, As he drove off; he then addressed me again.

"Do you want to learn more about your "gift" little one?"

"I am NOT little....and you call this...weird power a "gift"? Ugh, more like an extra voice I don't need."

"From what Sarina told me...you also possess the Gift of Command. A very powerful one if you can "command" my friend to jump off a balcony." his voice held no accusation but nonetheless, it made my heart twist painfully.

"Sey...please give him a chance. I cannot help you but he can. He can help your control your gift." Sarina put and hand on my shoulder.

"Does he also have a similar gift?" I asked.

That made the prince chuckled as he told me that he has the same gift I had and told me the first time he used it as a young guy was also disastrous.

After some time resisting, I agreed to let him teach me but after seeing my cousin making "goo-goo" eyes at him; I made some conditions.

One is that until I learn to control my gift, he is not allowed to touch my cousin but eye contact is fine and until the DNA test is verified and done; he must never force or manipulate me into going to Illyria.

Oddly enough, he agreed to it but not before making a pained expression like I ripped his heart out.

Well I don't care, I plan on using him to understand and make sure that there will never be another victim to my power. And even if the DNA test is positive, I will have to go to Illyria just to satisfy the whims of the man who abandoned my mother but I will never stay there.

Nor will I never ever accept him as my father.


The Prince's Duchess { Illyria Series 1 } - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now