He hangs up and I stare at him for a solid minute before I burst out laughing. "Did he even get to say one word?"

"Nope." He grins at me before holding up a DVD. "Tangled?"

I grin. "You know me too well."

He helps me sit up before he grabs his laptop from his backpack and puts the disk in and sets it in front of me. He kicks his shoes off before climbing in the bed next to me, throwing an an around me shoulder and gently pulling me to his side.


"Hellooooo, my beautiful best friend!" Max bursts into the room and kisses my cheek before looking over at Dylan. "Hey, Dobby looking headass."

I burst out laughing and Dylan slaps Max in the face with the bunch of flowers from the bedside table.

"Ow, thorns!" Max whines, rubbing his cheek.

"Ow, thorns." Dylan mocks him in a high pitched voice.

Max glares at him. "Get your E.T looking ass out of here. It's my turn to spend time with my baby, Vaeh."

Dylan rolls his eyes, grabbing all his things.

"Bye, Vaeh." He kisses my cheek before looking at Max. "Later, dumbass."

"Love you!" Max calls out.

"Love you, too!" Dylan calls back before the door shuts behind him.

"What're we doing?" I ask Max as he kicks off his shoes and climbs into bed next to me.

He rubs his hands together with an evil grin on his face. "You, my dear Nevaeh, are going to help me plan the ultimate prank to play on Noah and Dylan, then we are going to binge watch Friends."

I raise my eyebrows, a small smile on my face. "Okay."

"Noah's probably going to kill me for it, but it'll be so worth it!"


Max runs into my room holding an ice pack to his nose and his phone in his other hand.

I furrow my brows, looking at his nose. "Wha—"

"I got it on video!" He yells, cutting me off.

He quickly kicks his shoes off and gets in the bed, holding his phone in front of us.

Dylan gets out of the shower and as soon as he looks up he sees a life size cardboard cut out of Gollum sitting on the vanity.

He lets out a high pitched, girly scream. He rushes to run out of the bathroom, but forgets the door is locked and runs straight into the door. He quickly gets up and throws the door open only to come face to face with Max dressed as the Grim Reaper.

"NOAH!" Dylan yells in a shrill voice, forgetting that Noah wasn't even in the dorm as he stumbles back and falls on his ass.

I laugh loudly.

"And now Noah's turn." Max visibly deflates.

Noah steps into the bathroom, towel in hand. He looks up and comes face to face with the Gollum cut out.

"Oh wow, how terrifying." He says sarcastically in a bored tone.

He turns around and opens the bathroom door and comes face to face with the Max Reaper.

"HERE'S JOHNNY!" Max shouts making Noah shoot his fist out and punch Max right in the face.

I try to stifle my laugh but fail miserably as I look over at Max who has a pout on his face.

"Aw, poor Maxie." I say between laughs, patting his cheek. "At least he didn't kill you."


"You know," Max starts as we sit on my bed watching Friends on his computer. "You and Noah are the Mondler of our time."

I chuckle. "What?"

"It's true." He shrugs as the episode finishes. "You're unproblematic, perfect and completely in love. I wouldn't be surprised if you two decided to get married right here, right now."

That doesn't sound like a bad idea.

Shut up, I don't need a Pablo. Noah already has one.

I look at the time on his computer.

"Visiting hours end in a few minutes." He voices my thoughts. "I should get going. Megan will come by sometime tomorrow and Noah has you the whole day on Friday."

I give him a small smile. "Bye, Max."

He kisses my cheek as he gets all his stuff. "Bye, Dimples."

The Girl in the HoodieWhere stories live. Discover now