"All right, listen to me." Dean says, reluctantly moving his gaze away from Dakota and moving towards the table. He slams the journal down as he takes a seat. "Now, this is gonna sound a little...actually, it's gonna sound massively, massively crazy." Dean continues, moving his head to the side in an almost shrug like manner.

"Okay." Samuel nods slowly, urging Dean to continue.

"Mary is my mother." He informs.

"Excuse me?"

"And I am your grandson." Dean continues, ignoring Samuel's question. "Dakota here is your great granddaughter. And I know what the hell I'm talking about."

"You want to run that by me again, son?" Samuel leans forward.

"My real name is Dean Winchester. I was born January 24, 1979. My parents are Mary and John Winchester." Dean says, trying to get Samuel to listen to him.

"I don't have to listen to this."

"Mary gets killed by a yellow-eyed demon in 1983." Dean says, if they had been paying attention they would've seen Dakota's expression light up with pure joy. "Now, I think that this, what happened tonight, I think this is the moment that he caught her scent. Now, If we don't catch this thing now and kill it and it gets away..."

"Mary dies." Dakota finishes for him, looking away from the conversation and acting like she's not paying much attention as they look over at her.

"...So I'm asking you...please."  Dean begs.

Dakota dances around, leaving the room and catching a glimpse of Mary running across the front yard. She chuckles to herself as Mary crashes into John's arms. She watches them speak for a couple of seconds before John guides the crying woman into his car.

"Dakota." Dean calls, worried that she disappear. She grins widely as John pulls away from the house before she skips back to her father as he places that Colt on the table.

She walks close to him, her eyes planted firmly on the Colt as Samuel and Dean look through John's journal at the list. She moves her gaze to Dean, studying him for a couple seconds before opening her mouth to speak.

"Hey...daddy...can I see it for a couple seconds? I promise to be really careful." She says sweetly, she seems to struggle at calling him dad.

Dean stares at her with almost narrowed eyes, she's never asked him to touch a gun. She's never had much interest in them before. He places his hand on the Colt before sliding it away slowly.

"Sorry, baby. I don't let anybody hold it, you know this." He says, not moving his eyes from hers.

"I'm your daughter." She pouts, she pulls a puppy dog face that would put Sam's to shame. She even make her eyes teary, as she stares at him pleadingly.

"Nothing personal, Dakota." He says, putting emphasis on her name.

Dean and Dakota stare at each other before Dakota's face splits into a grin. "Sure it is." She says with a sickeningly sweet voice. "Especially when it's me you're trying to kill."

Her eyes flash pale yellow. Dean's face falls before she swipes her hand, throwing both Samuel and Dean's chairs away from the table and into a wall.

Dean tries to get out of the chair but quickly finds that he's unable to. He stares at his daughter's body, before his face turns into a deadly glare-his lips twitch angrily and his green eyes fill with hatred.

Samuel silently watches the exchange, trying to free himself as well. Dakota jumps onto the table, staring at the men with a smile as she places her chin onto her hand.

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