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The waitress comes back with two plates of pie, placing them loudly on the table. Dakota wakes up and peers up at her dad with sad eyes. The waitress sits down at their table with a sigh, leaning back in the char and looking at the brothers, who look confused.

"You angling for a tip?" Dean snaps, annoyed that she woke his daughter up and then decided to join them.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were looking for us." The waitress replies, her eyes turning completely black. The Winchester look at the other people in the dinner, noticing they're all sporting black eyes.

Dean brings his daughter closer to him as a demon walks by and locks the front door.

"Dean..." The waitress grins, her eyes returning to normal which Dakota is glad about. "To Hell and back."

"Aren't you a lucky duck?" The demon waitress continues sarcastically.

"That's me." Dean says equally as sarcastic as the demon.

"So, you get to just stroll out of the pit, huh? Tell me, what makes you so special?"

"I like to think it's because of my perky nipples." Dean grins at her, Dakota's face screws up in disgust. "I don't know." He snaps, his smile dropping into a glare. Dakota moves to face the demon and still be perched on one of Dean's legs. "It wasn't my doing. I don't know who pulled me out."

"Right," The demon replies sarcastically. "You don't."

"No, we don't." Dakota responds before Dean can, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Ooh! Little Winchester's got a bite." The demon says loudly, sitting up with a grin and clapping her hands once. "Lying's a sin, you know?" The demon informs the little girl.

"I'm not lying." Dean interrupts, turning his head slightly his lip curved up in the slightest bit. The demon looks over at Sam before Dean speaks again. "But I'd like to find out, so if you wouldn't mind enlightening me, Flo." He hisses out at her.

"Mind your tone with me, boy." The demon bites back. "I'll drag you back to Hell myself."

Sam pushes his chair back angrily but Dean holds up a hand, stopping him from doing anything. The demons looks over at Sam.

"No, you won't." Dean says.

"No?" The demon taunts, leaning forward.

"No." Dean agrees, "'Cause if you were, you'd have done it already. Fact is, you don't know who cut me loose and you're just as spooked as we are." Dean's lips curl up as the demon starts to squirm in her seat. "You're looking for answers. Well, maybe it was some turbocharged spirit, hmm?" He hums slightly.

Dakota doesn't like the dark tone in his voice, it frightens to hear her dad sound so menacing. She shifts in his lap, trying to slide off of him and move towards her uncle, but Dean tightens his grip on her gently, keeping her in place.

"Or, uh, Godzilla?" Dean continues without skipping a beat. "Or some big, bad boss demon." Already monitoring his swearing in front of Dakota. "But I'm guessing at your pay grade that they don't tell you squat." The demon swallows harshly but maintains eye contact. "'Cause whoever it was, they want me out...and they're a lot stronger than you." Dean smirks at the uncomfortable demon, he enjoys watching her struggle to remain cool. " So go ahead, send me back. But don't come crawling to me when they show up on your front doorstep with some Vaseline and a fire hose." He challenges cockily.

The demon growls. "I'm gonna reach down your throat and rip out your lungs." She threatens. Dean smirks and leans towards her, Dakota tries to get away from him terrified of his demeanor.

Dean throws out his hand and slaps the demon across the face, Dakota whimpers quietly to herself as Sam's face drops in surprise. The demon rights herself in the chair only for Dean to slap her again, Dakota is finally able to get away, moving to stand behind Sam. Sam controls his expression when the demon sits up and glances over at him.

"That's what I thought." Dean says. "Let's go, Sam." He continues, standing up and grabbing his jacket, Sam doing the same thing and grabbing Dakota's hand. Sam heads towards the door but Dean lingers beside the sitting demon, glaring at her and reaching into his coat pocket, Dakota stands behind Sam unnerved by her dad's attitude. Dean pulls out a ten dollar bill and tosses it on the table. "For the pie." He says before walking away with his brother.

Dakota pulls Sam out the door quickly, Dean following close by before the oldest Winchester sighs as the door closes. "Holy crap, that was close." Dean says in disbelief.

Sam was pissed, not at all relieved that they got out without a fight. "We're not just gonna leave them in there, are we, Dean?" Dakota blanches at her uncle, she doesn't understand why everybody is acting so different. Dean is menacing, and Sam is thinking violently.

"Well, yeah." Dean says, pointing his thumb over his shoulder towards the diner and shooting his daughter a confused look. "There's three of them, probably more. And we only got one knife between us, plus we have Dakota."

"I've been killing a lot more demons than that lately." Sam scoffs, and Dakota pulls her hand away, walking ahead of them.

"Not anymore." Dean replies. "The smarter brother's back in town." he smiles at his younger brother teasingly.

"Dean, we got to take them." Sam insists, looking at his brother in disbelief. "They are dangerous."

"They're scared, okay?" Dean corrects quickly, turning to look at Sam as they continue walking. "Scared of whatever had the juice to yank me out. We're dealing with a bad mofo here. One job at a time." He points at his brother, ending the discussion before they argue more.

Dakota, being a lot smaller than them, ended up walking behind them. Her eyes on the cement as she walks, her thoughts swirling in her head distractedly.

Edited 4/2/19

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