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Dakota, age six, sat in the back seat of the impala. Listening to Sam and her dad argue about Dean's deal that he made. That's all she's heard recently, Sam and Dean arguing. She was told about her dad's deal after they closed the devil's gate, Sam was angry and told Dakota what he did. She didn't say anything for a while until Dean finally apologized and explained to her that he couldn't live with Sam dead. That's when she screamed at him, saying that he couldn't live with Sam dead but he's forcing him and Dakota to live with him dead. She cried, asking why he would leave her alone.

Then she decided to push everything back and try and help Sam find a way for Dean to live, but so far it was slow moving. They've just been picking up random hunts that they find, they found that the trickster is still alive. He forced Sam and Dakota to watch Dean die over and over again. Of course, with Dakota being only six there was only a limited amount of stuff she could help with, but Dean taught her how to read many years ago so she helped Sam research. Most of it didn't make sense so she read it out loud to Sam.

Dakota sighed deeply as they continue to argue, so she finally leaned on to the front seat and turned the radio up, forcing them to quiet down as Dean focused on the music. As they pulled up to the abandoned house, Sam rolled down his window and shined his flashlight around the trees. All three Winchesters focused their attention on the trees in front of them. Dakota hovered behind Sam's head, looking over his shoulder and narrowed her eyes at some shadows.

"There's something over there." She mumbled and pointed toward the direction she saw the shadows. He didn't see anything so he turns to Dean, who hit the accelerator.

Dean pulled the car around the house to stash it in between some bushes. Once it was well hidden, Dakota trailed after her father toward the trunk. He grabbed his gun and turned towards her. She watched him with apprehensive eyes, she was a little anxious being on a hunt, she's only been on one other one. Dean didn't take her with him hunting often, only cases he deemed were safe enough-which was only the trickster case. She picked up information and facts about hunting but knowing was different then doing.

"You know the rules." He said, raising an eyebrow in question, silently asking her to recite the rules.

"Stay close and stay alert." She recited carefully, hope sparking up in her eyes.

"And most importantly?" He urged, leaning his head toward his daughter.

"Watch out for myself." She said hesitantly, that's the one rule that she's terrible at following. Her instinct is to go to her father and uncle, it was both a natural fear response and an urge to try and protect them.

"Atta girl." He praised, clapping her gently on the shoulder. Sam waited patiently at the front of the impala for Dean and Dakota to finish their moment. The two Winchesters started walking toward him but Dean pulled Dakota to a stop. "You know why I do this, right?"

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