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It's been a couple weeks since Sam and Dean left Dakota at Bobby's, there was still times where she would cry at night, missing them terribly. Bobby enrolled her at Sioux Falls Elementary School, where she started the first grade. She slowly became use to living with Bobby and going to school, she didn't have many friends. Kids thought she was weird because she lived with her grandpa, which is what Bobby told the school he was. Kids would constantly ask where her parents were.

"I don't know." She would reply sadly. The kids would tease her, saying her parents didn't love her. Finally the teacher would step in when they noticed that Dakota was crying.

Now, she sits on the playground doing a worksheet while other kids played, it wasn't like she didn't want to play. She just didn't have anyone to play with, so she opted to do her homework. She sighs heavily as she scribbles in answers, her tongue peeking out through her lips in concentration.

She yelps when a ball hits her head, knocking her backwards on the mulch, she leaps to her feet, glaring at the kids who ran forward for their toy.

"Oops, sorry, orphan." One kid, Adam, taunts. Dakota crosses her arms.

"I'm not an orphan, both of my parents are alive, dim-wit." She retorts angrily, digging her nails into her palms.

"Oh, that's right. They just didn't want you." The other kid, Liam, sneers, Dakota's face pales as she tries to think of a rebuttal, but she realizes they're right. "They don't love you," The kid continues to belittle her.

"Shut up!" She cries out, her face turning red in anger.

"Or what?" Adam quips, leaning forward with a taunting grin.

Dakota lurches forward, slamming her fist against Adam's face. He cries out, stumbling back as he holds his face. She leaps forward, tackling Liam as the Adam's nose begins to bleed. She punches his face, before Adam rips her off of him and shoves her to the ground harshly. She scrambles to her feet and pushes him back, kicking him in the side and punching his face again. She elbows Liam as he tries to pull her off of Adam.

"Dakota Singer!" She hears the teacher yell, she looks up with her chest heaving in anger. Bobby told the school that her last name was Singer, making the story of him being her grandfather more believable.

"That's not my name." She snaps. The teacher scoffs and grabs her arm, pulling her into the school and towards the principle's office. "Get off of me! Let go!" She cries out in anger, thrashing around in the teachers grip. "You can't touch me!"

She's placed in a chair as the principle calls Bobby. She sits low in the chair, her butt half way on the seat and her chin placed against her chest. She stares at the ground, her anger fading away and replaced with sadness.

Bobby rushes in and crouches beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He questions immediately, she doesn't look at him. "Dakota? Are you okay?" Concern floods into his voice.

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