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Dakota sighs as she writes her name on her worksheet, she felt like all she got from school was homework and boredom. She thought she would like school, like a chance to be a normal kid, but all she wanted to do was hunt now.

Dakota Winchester was restless.

"Dakota! Phone!" Bobby calls up the stairwell, Dakota tosses her worksheet and pencil off to the side as she scrambles off her bed.

She races down the stairs, her face starting to hurt from how wide she's smiling. She crashes into Bobby, not expecting him to be waiting for her by the last step. They both grunt at the impact, Dakota rubs her forehead before shaking it off and bouncing on the balls of her feet. She reaches her hands out excitedly, waving for Bobby to give her the phone.

"Here." Bobby mumbles into the phone before passing it down to her.

"Daddy!" She shrieks before anyone could reply, she clutches the phone tightly as she takes off towards the living room and jumping on the couch.

"Hey baby, how's school?" Dean's voice asks from the other line.

"It's boring! I miss you and Sammy, I miss Baby." She admits, casting a glance at Bobby before turning her back towards him and curling into a small ball, lowering her voice. "Can you come get me? I don't want school anymore, I want you."

Dean sighs heavily, Dakota bites her lip as she hears rustling come from Dean. "Dakota, you wanted to go to school, practically begged me to let you go."

"I know," She copies his sigh, lowering her head. "I's not fun."

"School's not suppose to be fun, Kota. It's suppose to be boring."

"Then why do people go!" She complains, wrinkling her nose.

"Hell if I know," Dean chuckles. "Sammy was the nerd not me."

"I miss Sammy."

"I miss you too, bug." Sam's voice chimes over the phone, Dean must of put the phone on speaker.

"Uncle Sammy!" She squeals happily.

Sam and Dean chuckle at her excitement, making her miss them more. She wishes she was with them, it bugs her that she's not. Her own thoughts layering onto her guilt from leaving them.

"Daddy?" Dakota asks hesitantly.


Dakota chews on her bottom lip, wondering if it was a good idea to bring this up again. She scratches her head as she sighs. "I...I bothers me." She can hardly get the words out.

"What bothers you? Did something happen, baby?" Dean questions, concern flashing in his tone at Dakota's change of emotion.

"Not really," She mumbles, playing with a loose thread from the couch. "It just bothers me how easily you left me here." She rushes out quickly. "You didn't say just left."

Dakota's met with silence from both her dad and uncle. She glances over her shoulder at Bobby, who's staring at her with raised eyebrows, not hearing what she's telling the boys.

", I-I..." Dean trails off, she can hear the sadness in his voice which pains her, but she wants to know why it seemed so easy for him.

She knows that he left her so she could go to school, but he left without a goodbye. He just stormed off and drove away, it was like it didn't hurt him like it did her. She wants to know why he didn't talk it through with her, they just argued about the idea and the next day he left her at Bobby's. She didn't know that going to school would cause her to barely see her family.

She was regretting her decision more and more each day. Maybe all she was meant for was hunting. It's what her family's good at, she even had couple kills under her belt.

"Dakota, it wasn't easy to leave you, not at all." Dean finally finds his words, breaking her free from her thoughts. "It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, baby."

"You didn't say goodbye, I thought you were mad at me." She admits quietly.

"I left without saying goodbye because I couldn't do it. I couldn't look at you and say those words, it hurt to see you so...distraught. I-I don't know if I could've left if I said goodbye." Dean says slowly, almost like he didn't understand what he was saying.

Silence engulfs the three Winchesters, none of them knowing what to say to make the others feel better.

"Hey, Kota, how about me and you hang out? Like old times, just the two of us." Dean proposes, Dakota's face breaks out into a grin.

"Yes, please!" She shouts happily, bouncing on the couch using her knees, Bobby gives her a strange look before shaking his head and returning to his book.

"I'll be there later, okay? Can you tell Bobby?" Dean asks her, his voice sounding very happy.

"Yeah." She agrees. "I love you, daddy. I love you, Sammy."

"I love you too, baby."

"I love you, bug."

Dakota kisses the speaker of the phone before hanging up and sliding off the couch. She hands the phone to Bobby before squealing and jumping up and down, giggling. Bobby stares at her with an unimpressed look, one eyebrow raised in confusion.

"What's got you so happy?" He questions over her loud laughter, she starts to calm down slightly but the grin never faltering. Bobby hasn't seen her this happy in a long time.

"We have a date! A daddy-daughter date!" Dakota shouts, clapping her hands in excitement.

"A daddy-daughter date?"

"Yes! It's when me and daddy go out and do something together, we use to do it all the time when we hunted with grandpa." She explains excitedly. "In between hunts, daddy would take me somewhere, we'd just talk and hang out. We'd do anything, it was really fun, but after grandpa disappeared and we got Sammy...we stopped." Her voice turns sad.

"You're grandfather let you and" Bobby asks, completely bewildered by the fact John would let his son take a break from hunting to have fun with his daughter.

", but daddy would sneak out of the motel when grandpa was sleeping, or when he was hunting alone." Dakota admits sheepishly, looking down at her feet.

Bobby stares at her before he starts laughing, he shakes it head at Dean's rebellion. Dakota stares at him in confusion before she slowly starts giggling, Bobby's laughter warms her heart and amuses her at the same time.

"So..." Bobby pauses as he calms down, taking a deep breath before clearing his throat. "So your dad is coming to pick you up?"

"Only for a little while." Dakota answers, trying not to sigh.

She didn't understand why Dean wouldn't just let her come back to live with them, she didn't want to go to school anymore.

Bobby makes Dakota some dinner after a little bit of silence, after she finishes eating she runs to her room to get ready for the daddy-daughter date.

Sorry this is just a little filler chapter for the next one. The next chapter will be a happy laid back chapter with Dean and Dakota, a lot of daddy-daughter moments!

Comment your thoughts! Do you think Dakota can convince Dean to let her back with him and Sam?

Edited 6/5/19

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