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Before Daggett could press the spike any further into her neck the cellar door was busted open. Dean came in shouted Sam's name, Daggett stood up and Dean shot him with his rocksalt.

"Get her." Sam said before Dean could move, Dean ran over to Dakota as she sobbed. He untied her and brought her into his arms, smoothing her hair down.

"It's okay, baby, I'm here." He cooed, she sobbed and wrapped her arms around his neck, he stood, rubbing her back soothingly. Dean held Dakota tightly as he hurried over to Sam.

"Oh no. Corbett." Spruce said when he saw his friend dead in the chair. Dean untied Sam-who hugged Dakota tightly.

"You alright?" Sam asked, he placed his hand on Dakota's back as she buried her face in the crook of Dean's neck. "You okay?" Dakota mumbled something but nobody could hear her.

Dean bounced a little, something he did when she was younger to calm her down. She whimpered and hugged him. "I'm so sorry, baby, I'm sorry." Dean apologized.

She hugged onto him tighter, Sam rubbed her back before leading them out of the small room. Dean pressed a kiss to Dakota's head. He could feel her whole body trembling in his arms, his heart broke when he heard her whimper and cling onto him.

"What's this Daggett guy's problem anyway?" Spruce asked, turning back to record the three Winchesters.

"Loneliness." Sam rolled his eyes as he responded,

"He's never heard a real doll?" Dean asked, adjusting Dakota so she's more comfortable.

"No, no, no, Daggett was the Norman Bates, stuff your mother kind of lonely. That's why he lifted these bodies from the morgue, threw himself a birthday party, except they were the only ones who would come." Sam said, he raised a hand to his bruised eye. "Anyway, so, at midnight, he sealed them in the bomb shelter and went upstairs to OD on horse tranqs."

"How do you know all this?" Dean asked and placed his hand on the back of Dakota's head.

"He told us." Sam said, gesturing to Dakota.

"So now that he's dead, same verse different song?" Dean questioned Sam.

"He wanted friends, daddy." Dakota mumbled, loud enough so they could hear. "He wanted people to come to his party."

"Yeah, and stay forever." Sam added.

They start to go up the stairs, Dean and Dakota leading with Sam and Spruce coming up the rear. Dean tries the door but it's still stuck.

"Hey, baby, why don't you go to uncle Sammy? I need to get the door open." He said but she wouldn't move.

"C'mere, honey." Sam said, placing his hand on her shoulder but she pulled herself closer to Dean.

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