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After Dean climbed his way out of the pine box he woke up in, the only thought he had was where his daughter was. When he got money from the gas station he tried to call Bobby, but of course the paranoid hunter didn't believe him so he stole a car and drove up there. Even then he didn't believe him, coming at him with a silver knife and dosing him in holy water, only then did he believe that it was really Dean.

    "That don't make a lick of sense." Bobby says as they walk into the living room, Dean drying his face off with a hand towel.

    "Yeah, well you're preaching to the choir." Dean replies, chuckling breathlessly.

    "Dean, your chest was ribbons, your insides were slop," Bobby says in disbelief, trying to get Dean to understand. "And you've been buried for four months. Even if you could slip out of hell and back into your meats-"

    Dean cuts Bobby off, "Yeah I should look like a 'Thriller' video reject." He shakes his head.

Bobby scratches his chin, studying Dean for a second. "What do you remember?" He asks almost hesitantly.

   Dean looks away briefly. "Not much, I remember being a hellhounds chew toy..." He trails and shakes his head again. "And then lights out. Then I come to six feet under. That was it." He answers.

Bobby sits down as he tries to process everything that his surrogate son has been through.

"Sam's number's not working." Dean says trying to get Bobby's attention back. "He's, uh--he's not..." He couldn't get the question out.

Bobby looks up when Dean starts speaking again. "Oh, he's alive, as far as I know. They both are." Bobby answers, not meeting his eyes as he explains before looking back at him.

Dean closes his eyes in relief and nods, moving over to take a seat. "Good." He breathes out, a smile curling at his lips before he processes Bobby's words. "Wait. What do you mean--as far as you know?"

"I haven't talked to him for months." Bobby answers.

"You're kidding? You just let him go off by himself?" Dean questions in disbelief. "Where's my daughter?"

"He was dead set on it." Bobby avoids the last questions, almost scared by what Dean's reaction would be.

"Bobby, you should have been looking after him. Both of them." Dean presses, his eyes wide as he wonders how Bobby could let Sam take off.

Bobby turns quickly. "I tried." He snaps back. "These last months haven't been exactly easy,  you know, for him or me. Let alone Dakota." Bobby narrows his eyes. "We had to bury you."

"Dakota. Where is she?" Dean asks again, his heart nearly breaking at the thought of her not with him now. "Bobby, where the hell is my daughter? And why did you bury me, anyway?"

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