I got kidnaped by aliens with like 20 other YouTubers (NOT CLICKBAIT)

20 1 5

A/n: sorry this is late but I was at Bon JOvi last night..also theres not a lot of info about this chapter because I'm rushed. 




Dan Howell

Amazing Phil


Cyber Grape


Demi Lavato

THE lesbian Netty

Noodle egg salad 


Tully's POV 

It was kinda just a normal day. Jay had invited us all over for a video. We were playing Truth or Dare. Childish but fair. That's when we got the news alerts about UFO's being spotted. And one second we were in Jay's bedroom, the next we were in the bush tied up with aliens. 


"What the fuck are we doing here?" Jay demands, growling. The blue scaled things look at her with impatience. 

"Your species seems to admire you therefore keeping you here will lead to an earlier surrender." A gurgly voice replies.

"Mate have you ever come to earth before? We literally don't care about anything." Jay sasses back. They alien growls and throws us into a circular cell, a force field. "Oi mate! Fuck you!" She yells, sticking up her middle finger. 

"Calm down Jay." I say. 

"Hush child, let me insult the doctor who rejects a few more times." She smiles before cursing more in several other languages. 

"Calm down, their not gonna do anything." We turn and Jay's jaw drops. 

"Oh my god, your Amzing Phil..." She whispers. He nods.

"Your a fan?" 

"Oh my god yes. You have no idea!" Jay calms herself. "Cyber Grape. Jay." 

"Phil Lester." He offers his hand which Jay rapidly shakes. 

"Who else is here?" I ask. Phil gestures around. 

"Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Dan, Pewdiepie and some singer." Phil says. "There all in interrogation though."

"You ok Phil?" Jay asks. 

"I'm just scared."

"Its ok man." Netty says quietly. "Do you know where we are?"

"They keep saying Australia." Phil says. 

"Well, this invasion will be over quickly then." I say. 


"You've been to Australia before right?" Chloe asks.

"Yeah I have."

"Phil sweetheart, our wildlife is fucking terrifying. We'll be out in a day max." Jay jokes.


Half an hour later Netty is passed out after Demi Lovato and Chloe is unconscious in a frantic Mark's lap. "WHY IS SHE UNCONSCIOUS!" Mark yells.

"Big mood." I comment. Kiara is also nearly passed out at the sight of Mark and Jack.

"Big fans." Jay says. Sudddenly an alien reaches in and grabs Jay's collar. 

"What are these human?" It yells. Several aliens bring, in a cage, a koala.

"Drop bear mate." Jay says. "A bear that drops from trees." The aliens eyes widen.

"This planet is insane." It says.


"You owe me $20 Tully."  

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