With all these thoughts running through Jungkook's mind, he didn't realize that tears were running down his face. He quickly ran to the washroom and washed his face. He hated himself for everything. He keeps blaming himself, even though he didn't do anything. But, he keeps telling himself that if he stayed with you as a close friend, he could've stopped you from talking to Yoongi. But it was too late.


He spun around in his chair at his desk. He had work to do, but he was too distracted. He kept thinking about the last conversation you had with him. Everything made sense to him after the boys told him who was behind all the murders. He wanted to kill Yoongi. Not only did he kidnap you and Hoseok, but he killed Mark, too. Mark was his best friend, and he was gone. 

You and Hoseok were the only real close friends he had left, but you both were gone, too. He felt like he had no one. He didn't like talking to the boys about how he felt about everything. He couldn't breakdown in front of them. He had too much on his mind. He had to get rid of it.

Minhyuk got up from his desk and left. He had to get rid of all his thoughts. He wanted to forget for a while. It was too much for him. He needed a break from everything. Even if it was for a short while, as long as he forgot.

He marched into the closest bar and sat down at the counter, ordering drink after drink. He didn't care how much he drank. He doesn't care if he stays there the whole night. As long as he forgot, he would be fine.


Seokjin just got home from the library, having to study for a test. He dropped his bag near the door and walked into the living room. He sat down and turned on the t.v., but he took it off soon after. The first thing that showed up was a picture of you, a man talking about how you were missing for weeks. He couldn't believe that Yoongi took you away so quickly. If he took just a few days longer, Seokjin knew that he could've stopped him. He would've turned Yoongi in to the police. Seokjin was looking for proof and clues that Yoongi killed all those people and kidnapped Hoseok. But, he was too late.

He got up and went into his room. He dropped onto his bed, exhausted, and closed his eyes. He hasn't been getting enough sleep. His thoughts about how he could've helped you and Hoseok haunting him when he tried to sleep. He had constant nightmares of finding you dead or close to dead. Same thing with Hoseok. He even had dreams of the both of you, one of you hurting the other, as if Yoongi did something to you both.

His eyes shot open and he sat up, breathing heavily and heartbeat fast. He relaxed and got up. He quietly went into the kitchen and got a glass of water. He chugged it down and wiped his mouth. The others told him that these nightmares would pass, but they've been becoming more consistent every night. He wished he could stop them, but the only way they can is if he finds both you and Hoseok unharmed and safe.


"Dad, did you find anything new?" Jimin asked.

Mr. Park shook his head, "I'm sorry, Jimin. We haven't gotten any more evidence or traces. We're really trying to find them, but it's becoming more difficult."

Jimin nodded, "Alright. Fighting!" He said encouragingly, then left.

He adjusted his bag strap nervously as he walked to school. He managed to get access to the school when it was under investigation. His dad let him help since Jimin picked up a few skills. He had the need to find both you and Hoseok, too. He felt regret fill him every time he would see a picture of you, or heard your name. He hates himself for using you both. If he could, he would turn back time to after the party and he would look for you. He would comfort you and be a good friend, but he decided to throw away that friendship and start to bully you like the rest of the school.

He entered the school and took out his powder and brush. He went to every door and dusted the doorknobs for fingerprints. He already had an idea of how your fingerprints were like. He just had to find out where the most recent ones are.

Jimin got to the back of the school and went to the storage room. He dusted it and found the freshest fingerprints of yours. He searched through his bag for gloves and slipped them on. He opened the door and looked around. He approached the back wall and looked closely. He saw a slight indent and traced the shape, trying to figure out what made it.

He turned around and looked around the room. He didn't see any security cameras or anything that could've caught what happened. He stepped back and felt something break underneath his foot. He picked up his foot and crouched down to look at the item.

It looked like it was an old needle. Or one that was left recently. Jimin gathered the broken pieces and put them on a box. He looked at them carefully for any trace of liquid. He found a tiny drop of something. He scavenged through his bag for a dropper and tube. He got the drop and let it fall in the tube.

He sealed the tube and put it in a plastic bag. Jimin quickly packed up everything else and left. He went home and hid the tube. He wasn't going to show it yet. He wanted to find out what it was before he made accusations.

Jimin hoped that this could be a lead to you and Hoseok. He hoped that it could play a significant role in the investigation. Little did he know, it was the beginning of the search.

HAPPY SEOKJIN DAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe our worldwide handsome is 26/27 years old already! Be sure to wish him the best and everything in the world!  

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