Chapter Forty-Nine: Diplomacy

Start from the beginning

  After The Six Guns leave, Zia asks "So what should we do for now?".
  "We'll help with this conflict, whether they like it or not" Siran says. "The faster we get this done, the faster we get our answer". After a while of walking through the streets aimlessly, the crew is once again united with Ying.
  "I heard you guys were here, causing trouble" Ying says, "but I just had to come and see it for myself. What brings you all back?".
  "We're here to help with The Ly'Lum conflict" Siran says.
  "But Chief said-" Ying says.
  "I do not care what Chief says" Siran interrupts. "Do I look like I work for your police force?".
  "You look kind of homeless, actually" Ying says.
  "Pfft" Finn starts laughing really hard. "She's either too honest or she's got nerves". Ying tilts her head a little to the left, confused, she couldn't understand what Finn was talking about. Finn begins laughing even harder "OH MY GOD!" Finn yells as he laughs, "SHE'S LIKE A PUPPY!".
  "Getting back on track" Siran says with a straight face, "which places do you guys need the most help?".
  "Hainan" Ying says.
  "That was... quick" Alex says.
  "You asked" Ying says, "... was I not supposed to answer?".
  "No, I appreciate the help" Siran says, "you were a big help, so thanks".
  "Wait!" Ying says. The crew stops walking and turns around. "Can I join you?".
  "Like... join our crew?" Siran asks.
  "Yeah, for your journey to Hainan" Ying says. "You might need someone who knows the area, and I've been there a few times so I can help guide you".
  "Oh, that's what you meant" Siran says, "sure, I guess. As long as it's not against what your Chief wants".
  "Technically, it's still a part of patrolling" Ying says, "so it's part of my duty. I can help as long as I'm not called in to help somewhere else".
  As they travel, the crew talks amongst themselves. "Why don't you ask her to join the crew?" Rose asks, "she might be very useful. She seems polite".
  "But she just seems so..." Siran says as he tries to think of a nice way to describe Ying.
  "Soft?" Alex asks.
  "Innocent?" Vivi asks.
  "Squishy?" Finn asks.
  "Why the hell is squishy a word you chose to describe Ying?" Alex asks.
  "We're here" Ying says as the boat comes to a stop. As they step on dry land, the area ahead of them looks normal, but smoke and fire could be seen in the distance.
  "Tell me" Finn says, "Why would we need a guide again? I think we can all figure out where the fight is...".
  "Because, a direct approach isn't always the most effective" Ying says.
  "You're preaching to the choir" Vivi says, "I've been trying to tell them that for years".
  "Wow" Ying says, sounding impressed, "you guys must be pretty irresponsible".
  Siran jumps, as if stung by her words. "That's..." Siran says, "it's uh... it's because".
  "Anyways" Ying says, "if we can use some of the buildings and underground walkways, we can get behind them".
  "We?" Siran asks.
  "It is my country" Ying responds.
  "Fair enough" Siran says.
  The crew, plus Ying, sneak around the city. When they finally get behind The Ly'Lum forces, Siran launches an array of spikes from the ground. A large number of soldiers fall to Siran's spikes, allowing the Chinese and Japanese forces to press from the front by distracting the enemy forces. An MTRU soldier leaps at Siran and grabs his hands, wearing that equipment that steals other people's magic.
  "You want my power?" Siran asks as he lifts the soldier, "then take it!". Siran slams the soldier down on top of his knee, and the soldier's spine bends backwards and snaps.
  "Behind!" Ying yells as she points at a helicopter.
  Siran charges up a spear of reactive endo and throws it at the helicopter. "This is a no fly zone!" He shouts. The helicopter explodes and falls into the ocean.
  "Really?" Alex asks as he looks at Siran.
  "What?" Siran asks.
  "That's the best you could come up with? No fly zone?" Alex asks.
  Siran just shrugs in response. "We're not done yet!" Zia yells. "Pay attention you two!".

  A few days later, in Omnia, The Mages were gathered again. Each of them had taken in more of Naris's endo. All of their eyes were red and darker, each of them slowly losing a grip on their own sanity. Naris's willpower was proving too strong to handle, and was slowly taking over them.
  "The Six Guns returned to China" Garreth says, "and Japan has allied with them there as well".
  Markwood laughs and says "Look at it! The product of discord! Chaos brings humans together. It's the one true order of life".
  "The world would be better off without them" Agatha says, "humanity only tears away at the world. The world no longer needs them around".
  "Then we'll just tear the whole world apart!" Markwood cheers. "Bring the discord to a closing act! I can't wait to see this finale!".
  "But why tear apart the world?" John asks, "won't we need it for ourselves?".
  "We can always reshape it to our will" Garreth says. "It'll no longer be the human's world, and with the gods abandoning this realm, it'll be ours for the taking!".

  After a couple weeks of running around and fighting, The Six Guns were weary but they had settled the fight nearly to a complete stop. There was still fighting, but it had been cut down significantly, as well as most of the supply and reinforcement routes have been cut off. Japan's forces have pulled out of China, and now the crew just had to wait for a contact to get ahold of them with President Li's answer.
  "What should we do while we wait?" Alex asks. "It'll likely be a long time until we get our answer. Japan still has to debrief their soldiers, set up a conference, make a decision on whether they'll help us, then set up a conference with China and wait for their answer".
  "Do you guys know of any other contacts with forces capable of at least wielding a gun?" Ruby asks.
  "Actually, that gives me an idea!" Tanya says. "Why don't we ask Don?".
  "Why Don?" Zia asks, "doesn't he hate all of us?".
  "Sure, but he hates The Ly'Lum more" Tanya replies. "It won't take much to convince him".
  "Are you guys leaving already?" Ying asks.
  "Seems like it" Siran says.
  "But why don't we take some time to celebrate?" Ying asks.
  "Celebrate... what?" Siran asks.
  "Well, you guys helped end the conflict in China pretty fast" Ying says, "that seems like a good reason for a party".
  "Party?" Rose asks, "We've never set up a party before".
  "Then you've got to stay and have one!" Ying says.
  "Yeah, how about no?" Alex says. "That sounds like a big waste of time".
  "What he means" Siran says as he elbows Alex in the side, "is we'll need to hold off on celebrating until all of our business is settled".
  "But if you never settle it" Ying says, "then you missed your chance to enjoy life".
  "As much as we'd like to" Vivi says, "we need to get moving".
  "Ah, I see" Ying says, "then good luck. I hope you have success in your future battles".
  The crew starts to walk away, but then Siran turns around and asks Ying "For our last battle, do you want to join us in Omnia too?".
  "But I'm just a police officer" Ying says.
  "Yes" Siran says, "but you can also be a Six Gun. Last time I checked, The Six Guns don't have to take orders from people".
  Ying smiles and says "Sure. I'll be there".

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