"Liam. Louis. You know the rules. Remember after next Friday you don't have jurisdiction over where they stay. If they chose to go back to their dorms then so be it. It's not a decision said in stone, they are allowed to stay in whichever place they choose as long as they give you warning. Understood?" Both boys nodded as their professor spoke. "Splendid then you can take them home and I expect you to go over rules and regulations with them tonight very clearly."

"Yes sir." Liam nodded his head respectively.

"Yes sir." Louis followed to say shortly after.

Suddenly I felt a lot of pressure when I realized Niall and I were being watched by almost everyone in the room. Louis and Liam were heading towards us and they walked right by until they reached the door.

No form of fucking acknowledgement? They just walk by us as if we're nothing and their fucking kings of the land?

Liam held open the door and Louis stepped outside. Niall and I stood in complete bafflement. I was more so confused on Liam's behaviour. He was definitely the type to offer a hand when someone is carrying a heavy load. Yet there he stood, waiting expectantly for Niall and I to follow Louis' lead.

I saw Niall swallow a bile that was in his throat as he made the first move to leave this building. I gazed back to Hale who had a smirk on his face as if to say this oughta be good. I took a deep breath then followed Niall out, not uttering a single word of appreciation to Liam.

I saw Louis walking next to Niall ahead of me and Liam then caught up to walk next to me.

"You guys are fucking pathetic." I say not stopping to give Liam the satisfaction of my anger.

"Hold on." Liam muttered, turning his head around to look back in the direction we were coming from.

I have no fucking clue where we're going. I'm just following Niall and Louis as we walk on a gravel path that's leading us past what seems to have been a defining perimeter. A tall green hedge the must've been four feet thick. I knew it stretched the whole way around the campus from when Niall and I had gone on our walk.

My shoulders and neck are aching from having to carry all my bags. When I packed for school I wasn't expecting to go on a fucking hike with all of my belongings. I hadn't exactly figured I needed to be the lightest of packers.

Louis led us past the bulky hedge which only uncovered more path, but the moment he passed it he grabbed a bag Niall was carrying and swung it over his arm. He then proceeded to grab things off of Niall shoulders and back until Niall was left to carry his pillow and a back pack.

When Liam and I passed the barrier he too began grabbing my things and carrying them himself. Louis and Niall stopped and waited for us and they were bantering about how it was only out of curtsey and not because Louis wanted to prove something.

"What the hell was that?"

"You think it would've been wise for a Dom to be carrying their subs things for them. Hell, half the time Doms aren't supposed to carry their own things. I was just trying to not get a detention." Louis explained.

I was about to respond when Liam held up a finger to announce he had to say something.

"Look," He began, "they can't see anything past this point. That's why we're carrying your things now." He then turned his attention to the blonde Irishman who looked less hurt now by the explanation, "Babe I am so sorry. That killed me back there not to say hello. Please understand I had to and I didn't mean it."

Whatever may have been left of Niall's frown was almost instantly replaced with a forgiving smile. "It's okay, I knew something was up. I thought I had done something."

Boys Divisional School of MannersWhere stories live. Discover now