The Spirit Of Vengeance: Civil War (Part 3- Finale)

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Y/n's name as 'The Host Rider' has been changed, I have decided to change it to Rancor, nobody recommended it, I just though of it on the fly, basically another word for Venom but has a lot of anger and hatred as its interpretation, it really fits in my opinion :).


Y/n growls lowly as Sam begins to talk.

Sam: What do we do Cap?

Steve: ... We fight.

Tony: This can only end one way...

Both teams begin to slowly walk to each other. Y/n switches focus to Clint and Wanda, Wanda now has a determined look on her face as both sides now develop into a full on sprint at each other.

Peter: They're not stopping.

Tony: And Neither are we!

Iron Man, War Machine and Vision all fly up into the air as Spiderman, Rancor and Black Panther all begin sprinting towards the enemy. Wanda and Falcon both take off on their side too as the two teams eventually collide. Steve blocks a punch as Iron Man lands. Clint fires a multitude of arrows at Vision. War Machine flies after Falcon and Bucky trades blows with T'Challa. Y/n dropkicks Scott away, following up with chains wrapping around his torso and slamming back into the ground. Spiderman and Wanda are trading shots at each other, with Spiderman either dodging easily, or Wanda diverting webs elsewhere.

Eventually each person splits off into their own perspective fights, Y/n being against Clint, who has no chance without those sound arrows. Black Panther vs The Winter Soldier, Spider-Man vs Captain America, Falcon vs Iron man with Wanda, Vision and Scott all providing support for their perspective teams.

In Y/n's fight with Clint, Y/n was ruthless. Barton's face was bruised and bleeding from many crevices, but Y/n didn't relent. Y/n flung Clint against a piece of equipment causing him to collapse. Y/n shot out a tendril from his arm, but just as it was about to collide with Clint, it was suddenly stopped with an equal amount of force. Y/n looked over to see Wanda stopping Y/n from connecting with an almost knocked out Barton. 

Y/n growled loudly as Wanda pushed him back and into heavy machinery, creating a noticeable dent in the side. Y/n easily pushed himself off of it and flung a nearby caddy towards Wanda who fell to her back, holding the heavy equipment up. Y/n slowly walked over to Wanda, crouching next to her. Sweat begins to fall down Wanda's forehead as Y/n looks up at the caddy with an amused look. Wanda sees this and rolls her eyes, smiling slightly.

Y/n: You were pulling your punches...

Eventually, Y/n gets up and kicks the machine away and runs to his next adversary as Wanda lies down panting slightly, smiling as she knows with just a few words, herself and Y/n would be alright. Wanda quickly got up and flew to her next position, helping Bucky with T'Challa.

MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) X Male Ghost Rider ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now