Chapter 48 - Goodbye

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"I don;t think you should come. Princess" Zhu Zhan Ye said as they rode out of the city, the moon already high above the skies.

"Bao Lu was a friend and Li Sun saved my life." Hua Er said determinedly, "Whoever had done this, I will make them pay. No one get's to toy with my friends and live."

At midnight Yu Zhu and Lin Yu arrived, hiding silently in the shadows as they watched Hua Er, Zhu Zhan Ye, and Zhuo Hao walk into view.

"Do you have the ledger." A voice boom and the three looked around. Lin Yu and Yu Zhu too, scanned the area.

Zhuo Hao held the books up, "Show me Doctor Li."

A boat slide out of the reeds and Doctor Li Sun was tied to the mast.

"Now. Books." A mountainous man had emerged from the tall grass. His head and shoulders were covered in dark fur. On his head he wore a hat made of animal skin. Yu Zu could see why no one else had bothered to show up. Whoever sent this giant knew that this man wouldn't let a soul leave this place alive. The eyes barely flickered down to the three, "Give me the books and I'll let him go."

Zhuo Hao smiled, "What makes you so sure this is the only copy I have?"

"You had a day. There's too much in there and the code that it's written in makes it useless if copied." The giant guffawed, "But if won't matter. I was promised that I can kill you, as long as I get you here. Since you are to die from my hands, let me introduce myself. I am Te'Le." With that he rushed at the three.

Yu Zhu flew down with her sword to strike at his back

The man turned quickly and his bear like hand swiped at her. She twisted and barely managed to get out of the way. With a flip she came close to his chest and thrusted her sword in.

Like a great bear shaking of a fly, he grabbed her and her sword and flung her off.

Yu Zhu landed in the ground with a thud. She rolled and was on her feet again. Zhu Zhan Ye, Hua Er, and Zhuo Hao watched warily as the man staggered.

Te'le's eyes glowed red and he stood up as if Yu Zhu had not just stabbed him through the heart.

He roared with laughed, "You think you're little human sword will kill me?"

Yu Zhu cursed and looked at Lin Yu, they had just found a demon.

Te'le opened his hands, two foot long, lethal looking claws shot out of his fingers. His arms were covered with fur.

"Run!" Yu Zhu screamed at the three, "Get out of his way!"

Te'le took a great swipe at Hua Er but Yu ZHu was already running towards the monster. She slashed and one of the claws fell to the earth. Te'le roared and fire came out of his mouth, leaving a trail of destruction. "No one is leaving here tonight!"

Lin Yu came to Yu Zhu's defense. Her eyes glowed green as she threw her daggers made of her venom at him. Her magic flashed as it sank into Te'le's body.

"I am the son of a Bear." Te'le laughed gleefully the poison hadn't even penetrated his fur, "Little snake you must be joking if you think you can take me." He pounded the earth and rushed at Lin Yu. She dodged the swipes and threw out her sash, the iron like cloth bounding down one of his paws.

Yu Zhu and Hua Er both saw the opportunity and they climbed onto Te'le's back.  Zhuo Hao ran up to the other paw and struck it, his sword faster than the eye could see. The Bear roared and fire came from his mouth. Zhuo Hao dodged the fire but did not avoid the paw. He flew across the air and hit a tree. Knocked out.

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