Chapter 60 - Broken Gods

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The Dungeons of Heaven

Deep in Pool of Origin, where the first of the world arrived was the Soulless Canyon, the grave to countless gods and monsters cast down to feed the Creature Below.

In the depths of the canyon, hung a man between two cliffs, his hands holding onto two chains that were nailed into the walls, miles apart. His robes fluttered in the infinite darkness, around his feet wrapped a thick chain that hung into the bottomless pit. Below, the Creature with pulsing blood red eyes waited for the half-origin god to weaken and fall.

Wei Yun looked as at peace as he did in the monster realms, even as the spikes from the chains cut into his flesh and dripped his blood down into the chasm. The Creature below roared as it tasted the prisoner's blood.

In the infinite darkness, he was the only source of light, his godly light glowing like a bright flame in the nothingness. Suddenly, Wei Yun's eyes opened, the storm grey of thunderstorms stared out into the expanse.

The air itself rippled like water, the energy of the magical disturbance seeming to split the fabric of space itself. 

A woman appeared out of thin air. White petals guided her way in midair as she came to him, her bare feet briefly touching the glowing flowers as she walked in nothingness. Her robes of starlight glowed softly, making her looking like a distant star in the sky. 

Her eyes seemed to burn with the eternal flame, set on a face of terrible and unimaginable beauty. Yet she didn't look complete, as if she was a mere reflection in a pond rather than flesh and blood.

Wei Yun stared at the woman for a minute, "Nu Wa."

Nu Wa dipped her head in acknowledgement, "Hello, Child of War."

Wei Yun's voice was cool, "I thought you wanted nothing to do with...your less than obedient creations. You must need something from me."

"I heard that the Emperor has punished you by throwing you here, to endure a thousand years of agony and torture." Nu Wa said cooly, "Of course, most gods die here within a few years. Perhaps he's waiting for you to weaken so he could take Pan Gu's heart before your soul completely disintergrates."

Wei Yun chuckled mirthlessly "Did you sneak all the way back into this world just to watch me die? Should I feel honored that the greatest goddess, mother of creation will waste her powers on me?"

"Still so irreverent, Wei Yun."

Wei Yun looked at her, "There was a time where I bowed at your feet. But, can you blame me, after everything that has happened?"

Nu Wa's eyes darken, after a moment she said, "I am not here to remember the past."

"No. You never did care for many."

Nu Wa sighed, "Surely you can let it go? There is much we have to discuss and very little time for us to do it."

Wei Yun raised an eyebrow, "What could you and I possibly discuss? You live in a different realm now, hidden from the Emperor. Another world, even if it's a broken one."

"A half-life realm that will disappear when I die." Nu Wa reminded him, "Once he finds and kills Yu Zhu, his attention will turn to me and my people."

The sardonic look on Wei Yuan's face died, "How do you know her name?"

The silence was terrible between the two powerful beings.

His eyes seemed to hold the gales of a hurricane, he roared "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" The chains rattled as it cut deeper into his flesh.

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