Chapter 29 - I Will Wait

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Heaven-  300,000 years ago 

"Wei Tian. Stop pacing." Wei Yun was calmly fishing in the milky way, his creamy white robes floated calmly in the coulds, "She's only been gone for a few days."

"Seven. She's been gone seven days. That's seven years on earth. She's never been this late" Wei Tian gripped his jade pendant, "I'm going down there."

"Brother." Wei Yun threw his rod aside and stood up, he ran after his brother, "Stop. If you think there's a problem, go to the world mirror and look for her, stop running headlong into things." Wei Tian brightened, he grinned at his brother and sped off.

Wei Tian landed lightly and bowed to the Stone Goddes who guarded the mirror. She bowed in return, "what do you wish to see, brave one?"

Before Wei Tian could answer, someone behind him said, "Wei Tian, come with me." It was the Emperor of Heaven, his gold robes floated around him as he strode to the young man. "I know where Mei Yan is, she's in danger." Wei Tian had never felt fear, even as he faced demon hordes on the battle field. Yet at those words, even inch of skin on his body seemed to grow cold, his heart felt was if it was being sucked right out of his body.

The Emperor of Heaven frowned at the younger man, he gripped the boys' shoulder, "I have found Mei Yan and she is in grave danger, I will let you down to earth, her survival affects the whole of heaven."

"What?" Wei Tian asked through numb lips. The words rang in his head. The Emperor sighed, "Mei Yan is the daughter of the Duke of the 7 stars, a man whose realm and powers rival my own. If he knows that Mei Yan is in danger, he will unleash warriors upon my realm. War will begin again, and the sky will be stained with blood."

Wei Tian closed his eyes and gathered himself, "What must I do?"


On the Great Plains of Zhong Yuan, Earth 

"Auntie mama!" A young boy in leopard's skin ran through the field to the group of women who had returned from hunting. The most beautiful woman held three rabbits in her hands. She knelt down and hug the boy, wincing as her swollen ankles complained, the little boy ran into her arms.

"Mei Yan, you'll spoil the child" one of the other women warriors chided gently. Mei Yan kissed the top of the little boy's head, "Nonsense, I'm only greeting Wu Yin." The little boy grinned and grabbed Mei Yan's  hand.

"Wu Yin's lucky that you treat him as if he's your own child, " Another woman said, "His mother and father in heaven must be so grateful that you and Wu Kang took Wu Yin as your own when they died."

Wu Yin was oblivious to the talk. Instead he patted Mei Yan's burgeoning belly, "Auntie Mama, when is the little baby coming?"

Mei Yan smiled, but her eyes seemed to fill with tears, "A month, maybe less."

The women entered the camp to the cheers of men, they bowed to their warlord's wife and some even threw flowers on her path, to show that they prayed for the safe delivery of the warlords's heir.

Wu Kang had just gotten back to camp as well. He ran and picked up his wife, everyone hide a smile behind their hands, some of the cheeky ones cheered and whistled. Wu Kang kissed his very pregnant wife to the entire camp's delight. Some women nudged their man as if the say, see, that's how you should treat me.

Wu Kang carried Mei Yan into their tent and set her gently on a chair. He took off her shoes and brought a pitcher of hot water for her to soak her feet. Mei Yan touched his greying hair, "Was your visit to the Khan fruitful?"

Wu Kang gently massaged her feet as he said, "He sees the grow of our tribe and is worried that I might be the next Khan. I told him I was not interested." He gently dried her feet, he looked at his wife with the same love that he had shown every day of his life since he met her. "I see you've been ruling quite while since my absence, maybe I should leave more often." He grinned as Mei Yan shook her head, " Wu Kang, don't you dare leave me anytime. I won't give birth to this child if you're not around to see her." He laughed at the stubbornness of his woman.

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