Chapter 34 - I Will Protect You

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“Yu Zhu!” Lin Yu ran in her multicolored silk scarves trailing her like gentle mist, “I heard from the horse thieves that you’ve gone and gotten on some young lord’s bad side?” She sat down and gulped a cup of tea, “I ran out of the dance house as soon as I heard the news!”

Yu Zhu sighed as she carefully stiched gold silk into a creamy white handkerchief, “Some silly little lord came to trouble me.” Yu Zhu frowned, “I can’t be sure, but I think he was the one chasing me the other night. I tried to make him leave by being rude, but that only made him mad. So he made some stupid little challenge.” Yu Zhu rolled her eyes, “I hope he’s rich enough to steal from” She smiled wickedly, “I’ll know more by tomorrow, I guess.”

“That’s men for you.” Lin Yu sighed, “Sometimes they’re so thick, I wonder if their head is only made of bone and nothing else.” Yu Zhu laughed, and Lin Yu said eagerly, “If he’s making trouble for you, I’ll bite his head off.”Lin Yu’s serpent tongue flickered out as the skin on her hands turned into light white scales. She twirled, and twenty scarves rose in the air, “Have no fear, with as wonderful snake demon like me by your side, we can get this done in no time.”

“Lin Yu, stop.” Yu Zhu ordered sternly, “We’re suppose to be keeping a low profile, which means no magic. If any taoist priests or monks senses your magic, they’ll kill you on sight”

“Let them come.” Lin Yu said haughtily, “I’m more than a match for them.”

Yu Zhu said nothing, but in the silence was the truth. Lin Yu’s aunt had been imprisoned by a powerful monk, both girls were weary of what might happen if Lin Yu’s true identity was discovered.

“Not a lot of people believe in ghosts and demons in this age, and most would scream at the first sign of supernatural beings.” Yu Zhu warned her, “What would Zhu Hao think if you turned into a snake?”

“he’d probably laugh as if he imagined the whole thing.” Lin Yu muttered, but she too wondered if he would turn against her. Lin Yu crouched by Yu Zhu, “But how can you make a hundred handkerchiefs in the night?”

Yu Zhu smiled, “It’s fine, I would never make a promise I couldn’t keep.” She got up and opened a drawer, inside were eighty or so fine handkerchiefs already sewn, the gold thread gleaming in the candlelight.

Lin Yu gasped, “When did you do these?” Yu Zhu shrugged, “I couldn’t sleep. So I sewed, it was comforting.”

Lin Yu looked at Yu Zhu sadly, “Is it because you miss Wei Yun?.” Lin Yu’s eyes clouded, “I get sad too, sometimes I wonder how elder brother is doing.” She sighed and then smiled, “But they said only a few years, and then we’ll get to see them. Everything will be fine. So stop being sad.”

Yu Zhu put on a smile, it felt her face hurt, “I’m not sad.” Then her eyes sparkled, “I’m going to make someone very miserable though.” Lin Yu nodded eagerly,  “In that case, i would love to help.”

Yu Zhu shook her head, “The last time you helped me embroider, you sewed three dressed together, please don’t help.”

Lin Yu pouted, “I can only learn if you let me.”

Yu Zhu rolled her eyes, “That stuck up young lord will probably make me a servant for life if I can’t deliver these by tomorrow, I’ll teach you next time my life isn’t on the line.”

Lin Yu smiled, “If he know who you really were, you would turn his life upside down in an instant.”

Yu Zhu shook her head as she stitched another delicate butterfly, “you make me sound like trouble.”

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