7.2 Rebirth and Escape

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Tan Zeyao drove while not forgetting the topic of being beaten: "How did you come out?"

Ling Fangping said: "Get out."

Tan Zeyao turned his head and looked at him: "I locked the door, how did you come out?"

Ling Fangping immediately ignited: "I am a fucking person, not a pig, just give a circle to live! Tan Zeyao behavior is like this, I can go to court to sue you for infringing on personal freedom! Don't say a fucking lock, You can have a hundred and a thousand locks but I can open it in ten minutes!"

Seeing the strange eyes of Tan Zeyao, Ling Fangping suddenly realized that he seemed to say that he shouldn't have... Fortunately, Tan Zeyao didn't ask.

As a result, the two of them had a quarrel about personal freedom in the evening. They quarrel and arguing. Tan Zeyao's just-prepared meal was fed directly to the Mother Earth before it was eaten. Pots and pans, tables and chairs, benches, ping pong, fell to the ground. In the end, Ling Fangping was pressed to death on the bed, swearing: "Tan Zeyao, you grow up so fucking to deceive the people of this country. In essence, it’s like ringing the bell at Notre Dame. Whose heart is in your heart, no one can fuck it!"

Tan Zeyao pressed his body to death, and his lips curved a smile: "You are boasting that I look good?"

"The turtle bastard* has a kind of you let me go!"

*The tortoise, the bastard, is a historical allusion, from the " New Five Dynasties History , the Former Family". " Wang Ba " refers to Wang Jian, the former leader of the Five Dynasties and Ten States. Zhao Yi ' Gai Yu Cong test medium "and" bastard "refers to forget" Honesty and Honor filial piety the faithful "character of these eight people, folk taboo" bastard ", refers to the turtle, turtle.

Tan Zeyao sighed softly in his ear: "You forgot who gave this green-shelled turtle to Laozi?" Then he looked at the red light from the child's ear and slowly stunned. In a short while, it’s all blushing. Tan Zeyao can't help but bow his head and kiss his mouth. He gently licking it and slowly sucking. Ling Fangping is very anger. He wants to bite but it is always a little worse. It is so light and slow, his body gradually reacts. Ling Fangping only felt that the strength of his body was taken away a little and it didn't take long for it to be soft like a mud. The thing was hot like a fire.

At this time, Tan Zeyao looked up at him and smiled. "Xiao Yu, you are hard."

Rely on, mom! Ling Fangping snorted but could not help but gasp.

Tan Zeyao pressed him with one hand and picked up his pajama pants with one hand. The trousers were lightly picked up. Ling Fangping has been subjected to this kind of stimulation and the body of pregnancy is very sensitive. It doesn't take long to vent.

Tan Zeyao swears: "Xiao Yu, you are early. Is it vented?"

Ling Fangping couldn't help but scream again: "You are fucking early. Leak, your whole family is early. Vent!"

Tan Zeyao smiled in disapproval, got up and went to the kitchen and looked at the pot. At most, there was a bowl of porridge. The heat was hot, tried the temperature and went to the bedroom: "Hey, drink!"

Ling Fangping's entire head is in the quilt and does not move.

"Do you want me to feed you with my mouth?"

Ling Fangping understands that people like Tan Zeyao are thicker than the city walls and they can definitely do it. Under the eaves, people had to bow their heads. The tiger fell to Pingyang and was bullied by the dog. Ling Fangping groaned and take off the quilt and took the bowl and sighed it down. "Why are you still trying to do it quickly, I am going to sleep after I have finished!"

"Are you seducing me?"

Ling Fangping:“……”

"Then I will be welcome."

"Hey, I have a child in my stomach."

"Rest assured, the big child can't fall out."


Later that night, Ling Fangping is confused all over. He only knew that the man kissed him very gently and he touched him very gently. His body quickly turned into a water, a boat, floating in the waves, ups and downs. The pain is accompanied by a quick feeling of ignorance and the humiliation is in the water, slowly opening.

When everything settled down, Ling Fangping felt that a medicine had been stuffed in his mouth and there was a bit of bitterness. Then he heard the water in the bathroom mixed with a vague breath. Ling Fangping was stunned for a while with his quilt and at the end he thought about it. He was fucked. Anyway, this shell is not Laozi, and it has nothing to do with Laozi.

He don't know how long it took, the mattress around him sank. Tan Zeyao glared at him and lay down in his ear and sighed softly: "Xiao Yu, I am just afraid of your accident. I am afraid that you will go away like last time when you are gone... I don't know where are you going to go." You are in the end...

Ling Fangping silently spit out a few words in the darkness: "Fuck, too numb."

Tan Zeyao’s hand overbearingly grabbed Ling Fangping’s waist and put the whole person in his arms. Soon, he was a deep breath and slept. Poor Ling Fangping, except for a little gap in the abdomen, the whole person was stunned and uncomfortable. He stared at the ceiling for a long time, until the morning light was finally unable to stand up and sleep.

At noon, he was awakened by Tan Zeyao. Ling Fangping even told the bones to sleep. He was fed a few meals by Tan Zeyao. He was trying to continue to fall asleep. Tan Zeyao handed a mobile phone: "I pressed the bottom of the table last night."

Ling Fangping took it in a confused way but suddenly woke up. Under the external screen like a spider web, it is faintly able to distinguish the "three missed calls" flashing, the number is the one engraved in his heart.

Shaking hands back to the past, has been shut down. Dial it again but it has been turned off.

Ling Fangping coldly turned his face back. Didn't speak.

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