Glimmer Of Orange

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Jungkook's footsteps rushed towards the cell door he shined his torch around the crapped area the glow locating a tattered pillow and blanket decorated with holes and now a nasty shade of brown with intricate stains of what appeared to be blood splattered against the material.

The ravenette practically heaved due to the smell of mould as he quickly flicked his torch around the whole of the cell, a glimmer of orange standing out.

"Oh my god." Jungkook whispered as his torch light revealed another being. For lay in the corner of the dingy cell was a small orange haired boy, his body covered with a ripped oversized t-shirt and tight red boxers only, leaving nothing to imagination. The boy's skin had a slight tinge of blue to it due to the freezing conditions he was kept under while his body continued to convulse with each shiver emitted. The shivering boy was obviously under malnourished for his ribs were prominent under his thin layer of clothing, accompanied with stick thin legs and arms, Jungkook feared the boy was so delicate that he would snap even if the wind scraped past him.

However what failed to be ignored by Jungkook was the ropes keeping his limbs bound together. Tight coils of rope were rapped around the boy's delicate wrists leaving a bright red burn mark from the friction they were creating, similar bounds kept the boy's ankles tied to his thighs restricting any possible movement. Bruises, whip marks and scratches littered his skin painting a canvas of agony and abuse for the admirer. A tight gag was placed in between the boy's plump lips restricting any form of speech from being admitted. A thick blindfold was tied harshly at the back of the boy's head reducing his senses once again leaving him even more defenceless.

Jungkook looked at the smaller with eyes drowning in sadness for what the poor soul had been battered with. Quickly looking around the room he spotted a rusty key, obviously thrown away in a hurry, his legs moved faster than ever before to retrieve it immediately opening the door to rescue the damsel in distress.

Jungkook bent down pulling out his pocket knife to slash apart the the bounds, freeing the boy's limbs from being pulled taught releasing the built up pressure. Jungkook's calloused hands efficiently pulled out the boy's gag chucking it to once side, and doing the same to the blindfold. His ran his hands down the boy's soft baby like cheeks taking a moment to bask in the boy's beauty.

"You're the most ethereal being I've ever seen." Jungkook whispered to boy beneath him, for the smaller had gone unconscious due to the living conditions and illness he was constantly kept under.

Jungkook grabbed the tattered blanket and wrapped the beauty up with it, holding the smaller tightly in his hold trying to covert his own body heat to the younger in hopes to slowly bring him out of his current state.

"Let's get you home then gorgeous." The ravenette smiled pushing away the boy's soft bangs from his face to kiss him gently on the forehead. For Jungkook was already infatuated with the beauty in his arms and wasn't willing to let him go anytime soon.

While the officer informed the search team he had found a captive he continued to locate himself out of the haunting basement and break out into daylight once more. A bright sunlight caught across the boys, tracing their features and enhancing each individuals beauty. Jungkook could now truly see the abuse the smaller had been tormented with but he was still too captivated with how the boy still managed to look like a piece of artwork, despite the marks of pain. 

Jungkook felt the smaller shuffle about in his arms slightly, only for his small fists to tightly grasp onto his uniform. The beauty raised his head up, chocolate orbs swinting due to the harsh glare of sunligh, eventually his gaze landed on Jungkook's face.

"Are you my Prince Charming?" The smaller asked still obviously in a state of delirium as he battled to keep his eyes open, desperately wanting to gaze at the handsome man carrying him.

"If you want me to be." Jungkook laughed loving the boys voice for it was like a beautiful melody drifting by on a fresh spring day.

"Hmm you're handsome enough." Jimin mumbled before closing his eyes as sleep submerged his body once more.

Jungkook blushed a fierce red shade as the boy complimented him, he then collected his thoughts and brought the boy out of the trap house finally providing him with his freedom once again.


"So you're my Prince Charming then?"

Jungkook's head flung up at the sound of the beautiful melody, messy locks tumbling down his forehead, eyes sparkled with intrigue as he looked around for the voice. His eyes landed upon Jimin, the same boy who had stolen his thoughts for the past few weeks.

"I guess so." Jungkook smiled back infatuated with just how attractive the orange haired male truly was.

"So what brings you to my office?"Jungkook questioned trying to play it cool only to fail miserably knocking over a photo frame and half the documents on the desk. The action resulted in a snort from Jimin before he erupted into a fit of giggles at the brunette's actions.

Jungkook admired the way his eyes seemed to shy away as his plump pink lips stretched into a gorgeous smile, pearly whites on display.

"God you're gorgeous." Jungkook whispered.

"Well I am the princess in our fairytale." Jimin grinned picking up the fallen documents, his hand accidentally touching Jungkook's causing both the boys to flush a pink shade.

"I actually came around to say thank you and ask you out sometime." Jimin continued looking up at the brunette.

"Like a date?"

"If you'd like to."

"I'd love to."

Jimin smiled "My numbers on that sheet of paper." he gestured to the desk where he had written the digits down quickly.

"I'll see you soon then Prince Charming." The orange haired smirked planting a quick kiss on Jungkook's cheek as he sashayed out the doorway.

Jungkook was left stunned already in love with the beauty.

"Jeon stop gay dreaming and get back to work." His colleagues laughed having watched the whole scene take place.



 Boyfriends~ JikookHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin